From Engineering Graduate to Business Development Manager

AFTER working for more than seven years, Major Gu, an engineering graduate, could not put this idea out of his head: He wants to work in business management and interact with people rather than spending time on machines. To achieve this, he decided to pursue an MBA degree at Fudan University in 2014. To his excitement, Fudan and Schulich School of Business, York University, co-launched a dual degree program, as a result Major was able to study in Canada for one year after his first academic year at Fudan.

Thought mentally prepared, Major still got culture shock when he stepped on a foreign land. At a top business school like Schulich, many of Major’s peers were senior executives or entrepreneurs while Major had basically no business experience, which gave his a lot of pressure. But Major kept pushing himself out of his comfort zone and learn from his fellow students. To his satisfaction, Major was able to over come language barriers and maintain a healthy study-life balance. Now Major is working as a business development manager in Shanghai and keep achieving his career goals. Looking back over the years at Fudan and Schulich, Major said Schulich’s customized curriculum and hands-on programs had been of great help in his career, and he would like to share the experience with alumni who is considering about joining this year’s program.

“Keep an open mind and embrace differences, that’s what I have leaned at Schulich and it is still pushing me forward,” said Major.

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