Embrace innovative learning on Singapore study tour

33 Fudan MBA students went to Singapore on January 20 to attend a study tour focusing on internationalization and innovation. During the four-day event, professors at the National University of Singapore shed lights on the nation’s critical success factors and refreshed visiting students’ knowledge on business model innovation. To integrate classroom teaching and real-world practice, the students also paid several visits to innovative institutes and companies including Master Card, Facebook and cryptocurrency startup TenX.


“Singapore’s arduous efforts and global perception is worth learning”

Group 1 (Yaoyao Zhang, Kim Ik Hyun, Chen Chen, Yeop Kim, Jingjing Liu, Cynthia Xin Huang): “Looking back at Singapore’s history, survival has been a constant theme and the Singaporean always bear the sense of crisis in mind. Only by striving for progress can they survive in lack of resources and only with diligence and hard work can they continuously advance and transcend, standing rock-firm in the family of nations. Their arduous efforts and perception are worth learning. We have a firm believe that through unremitting efforts, we are also able to rejuvenate China and earn the world’s respect.”


“Singapore’s governance is a good model for many countries”

Group 2 (Zhichao Wang, Abhishek Gooptu, Xiaoyong Lu, Ye Liu, Dongming Zhu, Hyunjun Baek): “Singapore government has been famous for effective governance and can be a model for many countries. From the design of Marina Barrage, you can see that the Singapore government has clear strategies in fields such as the research and management of water resources. Meanwhile, the government puts great efforts into educating and serving the people. From a very young age, the Singaporeans are educated to protect water resources and the environment. In addition, the cities’ buildings are designed in a manner not only to meet functional needs but also as accessible for the public as possible so that the people can enjoy a better Singapore.”


“Singapore’s innovative atmosphere very impressive”

Group 3 (Lihong Qian, Jie Zhou, Huan Gao, Cen Chen, Qiqing Zhou, Zhe Wen, Runyan Chen): “What impressed us most was not only the knowledge we gained in Singapore, but also its history, culture and the nation’s affection for their country. At the Block71 Incubator of the National University of Singapore, we were deeply affected by the students’ passion and perseverance for innovation and entrepreneurship. At the innovation center of the Development Bank of Singapore, the combination of innovation and traditional financial services, as well as their foresight for future technology and development, was very impressive.”


“Building knowledge through thinking-intensive learning”

Group 4 (Wenyang Diwu, Yao Wu, Lyuqing Huang, Shuai Huang, Jianbin Gu, Yiqi Sun): “The professors held rigorous academic standards and paid great attention to our comprehension and reflection. After each case analysis, they encouraged us to discuss whether we had similar cases in China. In this way, they guided us to learn by thinking.”


“Learning from Singapore’s experience to optimize our thinking and action”

Group 5 (Shaoxiao Liu, Xinquan Chen, Kai Hong, Yajie Li, Jiajun Yin, Jianglei Sun, Xuefei Ma, Lili Chen): “Singaporeans speak both English and Chinese, they know China better than the Western world and knows the West better than China. Singapore continues to be committed to innovation and openness and the collective sense of crisis will motive generations to come. Thanks to this study tour, we have known more about a real Singapore and together we will learn from their experience to optimize our thinking and action.”

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