
The program confers master degrees.

Research areas, content and supervisors

No.Research AreasResearch ContentSupervisors
1Econometric Methods and ModelsResearch on econometric theories and methods, econometric models, analysis of economic structure issues with econometric models, prediction of short-, medium- and long-term economic development trends with econometric models.XIE Shiyu, YU Yihong, SI Chunlin, TANG Guoxing, XIE Wei’an, GU Guozhang, XU Jian’gang, LUO Pingliang
2Quantitative Economic AnalysisQuantitative analysis of macro-economics, quantitative analysis of micro-economics, quantitative analysis of finance, quantitative analysis of industrial economics, theories of economic development and empirical research, quantitative analysis of regional economic issues, quantitative analysis of urban economic issues, quantitative analysis of sci-tech economic issues, quantitative analysis of labor economic issues, Chinese economic theories and empirical analysis.YU Yihong, SI Chunlin, TANG Guoxing, XIE Shiyu, XIE Wei’an, GU Guozhang, ZHU Hongxin, LUO Pingliang
3Game Theory and Information EconomicsNon-cooperative game theory and application, cooperative game theory and application, information economics and application, experimental economics and application, behavioral finance.XIE Shiyu, YU Yihong, ZHU Hongxin, XIE Wei’an, LUO Pingliang


The master students should command solid foundation of basic theories of quantitative economics, various models and tools of quantitative analysis, fair abilities of quantitative economics analysis and application, and a basis for further study and research of quantitative economic theories. Should be able to apply econometrics, statistics, game theory, information economics and optimization theory into economic theoretical and empirical analysis. Should be eligible to work in research and management units in economic research institutes and governments, or in higher education institutions.

Courses, credits: 31 credits in total.

common courses4 courses10 credits
foundation courses3-4 courses7-12 credits
core courses2-3 courses6 credits
elective courses2-3 courses4-6 credits
cross-first-level disciplinary course1 course2 credits

Basic requirements for required study sessions:

1. Basic scopes and forms of academic practice:

To assist in teaching and research projects by supervisors or departments, and take part in social surveys.

2. Basic requirements for involvements in academic events:

Please refer to Fudan University rules on master students’ involvements in academic practice and events for details.

Basic requirements for degree dissertations:

  1. The topic selections should be based on a full-scale survey and research in the disciplinary field, and the topic should point to real-world purposes.
  2. The dissertation should be independently composed after getting through a topic-opening session with evaluations by supervisors and experts regarding its topic.
  3. The dissertation should create new progress in academic research.
  4. The dissertation should be clearly stated and logically structured.
  5. The dissertation should have around 30,000 words in number, and reaches the level of being published on domestic key periodicals.
  6. The dissertation should span no less than two semesters before completion.

Basic requirements for scientific research qualifications:

  1. To command solid theoretical foundation of the discipline.
  2. To independently develop research on national economic theories.
  3. To command fair abilities of survey and research, writing reports and using computers.
  4. To fluently read academic periodicals in one foreign language.
  5. The polished master-degree dissertation should be qualified to be published on domestic key periodicals.
  6. To publish more than 1 article on periodicals which are accepted by the school.

List of books and periodicals:

No.Books and PeriodicalsAuthor/publisherNote
14America Economic ReviewOptional
15Journal of EconometricsOptional
16Journal of Applied EconometricsOptional
17International Journal of Game TheoryOptional
18Games and Economic BehaviorOptional
19Journal of Economic GrowthOptional
20Econometric TheoryOptional
21Economic JournalOptional
22Experimental EconomicsOptional
23Journal of Economic Dynamics and ControlOptional
24Review of Economics and StatisticsOptional

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