




  间:2018年5月30日(周三)  13:30-15:00



主持人:吴哲颖 副教授

Topic CEOs’ Personalities and Behavioral Strategy

主讲嘉宾:David H. Zhu(朱洪泉)    






We develop a theoretical framework to more fully explore the implications of the five-factor model of personality for behavioral strategy research. We build on the behavioral theory of the firm to identify key organizational issues that are under CEOs’ influence, including the determination of organizational goals (especially corporate social responsibility, or CSR); organizational expectation (especially exploration and exploitation); and organizational choices (especially the effects of routines and experiences). We develop specific propositions about how each of the five personality traits of CEOs influences these organizational issues. We discuss opportunities for further developing our theoretical framework and for empirically testing our theory, and conclude with a discussion about the implications of our theory for strategic management research.




  间:2018年6月5日(周二)  14:00-15:30



主持人:郑琴琴 教授

Topic: Alliance governance: Choosing among make, buy, ally, or co-opt

主讲嘉宾Professor. Xavier Castaner

     Full professor, Strategy Department, HEC Lausanne

     Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne

     VP of external relations of European Academy of Management (EURAM).


Scholars commonly think about questions relating to governance and organizational boundaries as if only managers of a unilateral organization make decisions. However, the growing practice of collaboration calls for also taking the collective (here: alliance) perspective and investigating the particularities involved in their choices for satisfying emergent resource needs. Drawing on the transaction cost and resource-based perspectives, we develop a theoretical framework for understanding the make-buy-ally-coopt decision in the alliance setting. We providing a theory of alliance governance (mode) choices that builds on and complements the theory on unilateral organizations’ governance choices.





  间:2018年6月12日(周二)  15:00-16:30



主持人:彭贺 副教授

Topic: Testing the Mechanisms of a Middle Warning on Personality Score Accuracy and Applicant Perceptions: A Longitudinal Field Experiment


     Dr. Jinyan Fan is currently an associate professor at the Psychology Department of Auburn University. His work has appeared in premier outlets such as Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management.



Warning messages delivered in the middle of a personality test has emerged as a promising strategy that can be used to manage applicant faking. Although previous research has consistently shown that middle warnings may increase personality score accuracy among fakers, but may decrease score accuracy among non-fakers, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of the above effects. The present study addresses these important, yet unanswered questions. Results from a longitudinal filed experiment indicated that feeling of guilt was a key mechanism underlying warning’s effect on personality score accuracy improvement among faker, whereas fear was a key mechanism for personality score accuracy declining among non-fakers. In addition, feeling of guilt and perception of being watched were found to be responsible for warning’s negative and positive impact on applicant perceptions among fakers, respectively; on the other hand, for non-fakers, hostility and perception of being watched were found to be responsible for warning’s positive and negative effect on applicant perceptions.




