

  间:2018年8月31日(周五)  9:00-10:30


主持人:孙金云 博士

主 题:  Global leadership characteristics and effective global multicultural teams


主讲嘉宾:      Prof. Miriam Erez

Vice-dean of the MBA programs at the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Associate editor of Journal of International Business Studies



This presentation highlights the theoretical framework and findings of two studies. The first study on the composition of innovation teams in organizations, proposes that team members’ heterogeneity, and specifically in their cognitive styles, brings more innovation than homogenous teams, and even more than homogenous teams consisting of creative members. The second study on the formation of entrepreneurial teams, views team formation as a process, which crystallizes overtime. Similarities and differences between innovation teams in organizations and entrepreneurial teams will be further discussed.





