

时   间:2023年11月14日(周二)14:00-15:00

地   点:史带楼204室

题   目:New Product Development Maturity and Funding Performance in Crowdfunding

主持人:复旦大学 管理学院 信息管理与商业智能系   屈锗副教授

摘   要:

Do new products in late development stages (that is, with higher maturity level) have better chance to be funded on a crowdfunding platform? Through secondary data analysis, this study found that new products in early development stages, relative to late development stages, have higher chances to reach funding goals, and there are more backers supporting new products in early development stages than those in late development stages. The results are robust after controling a series of potential confounding factors. A psychological ownership perspective was proposed to explain the underlying  mechanism of this phenemenon. Our online experiments provided solid evidence supporting the hypotheses. This study offers implications to the vast crowdfunding literature concerning the determinants of funding success and to practitioners regarding their timing of pursuing funding on crowdfunding platform.



