
The Best of Both

English Taught part-time MBA Program in Shanghai. Globally ranked at No.29 at Financial Times ranking , 2023.

  • 79.9%

    79.9% of students working in multinational companies

    The classes encompass a variety of experience and expertise

  • 12.5 Years average working experience

    Our students have vast work and management experience 

  • 67%

    International faculty

    Chinese and international professors ensure the best of both perspectives

  • 7 Campuses

    China, Norway, U.S.A, Singapore, Spain, Germany, Sweden


Students Quotes MORE

  • FA打开新视角,这个世界需要精确的数字和分析,以及无法计量的engagement&connection。

    ——MBA39 周洵 Mia【完成黄蓉教授“Financial Accounting”课程的感悟】

  • 感谢黄教授引人入胜地领进门,更为我组日夜兼程、气氛热烈地修行而骄傲。

    ——MBA39 李璋晶 Vera【完成黄蓉教授“Financial Accounting”课程的感悟】

  • 听说乐此不疲的都是年轻人。递交完第一个case时由衷地感慨,OMC课程教会了我们把团队当作mini organization,把多样性的队员激励起来朝着共同的目标去努力,不断优化组织结构来构建高效组织体系。

    ——MBA39 姚艳萍 Yuki【完成Hanno Roberts教授“Organizational Management and Control”课程的感悟】

  • OMC课后最大的两个收获:分析问题需要zoom out,解决问题需要zoom in;团队合作最重要的是people care,太过在意和完全不在意都导致合作失败。能正确influence这个团队的人需要很强的专业能力,沟通能力,同理心empathy。

    ——MBA39 张政 Shawn【完成Hanno Roberts教授“Organizational Management and Control”课程的感悟】

  • #celebrate-small-win

    ——MBA39 Zheng 王正【完成Randi Lunnan教授“Business Strategy”课程的感悟】

  • No Pain, No Gain. The pain just starting now, and there will be a long term for us to understand and use the knowledage of OMC completely, so the joy of gaining new experience and insight would keep longer time later.

    ——MBA38 Jane Tao 陶晶晶【完成Hanno Roberts教授“Organizational Management and Control”课程的感悟】


    Student Profiles

    • Cherry Yan

      Cherry Yan

      BI-Fudan MBA, Class 9

      Vice President China, Flokk

    • Paal Utivik

      Paal Utivik

      BI-Fudan MBA, Class4

      Partner, Landmark Capital