

时   间:2023年11月16日(周四)16:00-17:00

地   点:史带楼503室

主持人:复旦大学 管理学院 统计与数据科学系 张新生 教授

报告人:赵俊龙 教授  北京师范大学统计学院

题   目:Residual Importance Weighted Transfer Learning for High-dimensional Linear Regression

摘   要:Transfer learning is an emerging paradigm for leveraging multiple source data to improve the statistical inference on a single target data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach named residual importance weighted transfer learning (RIW-TL) for high-dimensional linear models built on LASSO. Compared to existing methods such as Trans-Lasso that selects source data in an allin-all-out manner, RIW-TL includes samples via importance weighting. To determine the weights, remarkably RIW-TL only requires one-dimensional density estimation by weighting residuals, thus overcoming the curse of dimensionality of having to estimate high-dimensional densities in naive importance weighting. We show that the oracle RIW-TL provides faster rate than its competitors and develop a cross-fitting procedure to estimate this oracle. We discuss variants of RIW-TL by adopting different choices for residual weighting. The theoretical properties of RIW-TL and its variants are established and compared with those of LASSO and Trans-Lasso. Extensive simulations and a real data analysis confirm the advantages of RIW-TL.


