信息管理与信息系统系讲座:Too much “we” and not enough “I”



Too much “we” and not enough “I”? The Effects of Collectivism, Perceived Diversity and Team Reflection on Creative Decision Making in “Electronic Brainstorming Teams”

演讲者:Lionel Robert

日期:2016年6月14日 14:00-15:00



Lionel Robert is assistant professor at School of Information, University of Michigan. He obtained his Ph.D. from Indiana University and his research interests are virtual teams and virtual collaboration. His research examines how and why virtual collaboration alters teamwork and how virtual collaboration can be used to facilitate more effective teamwork, and involves multi-level analysis examining both individual and team behaviors in virtual environments. His research has been published on Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and other prestigious journals of information systems.


Collectivism increases most team-related outcomes by facilitating cooperation among teammates. Unfortunately, it has also been shown to inhibit creativity. Because many team tasks require both cooperation and creativity, it is important to understand whether or when collectivism can promote creativity. This paper proposes that collectivism is likely to promote creative decision-making by facilitating the impacts of perceived diversity and team reflection. To examine this assertion, we conducted an experiment with 107 individuals in 33 electronic brainstorming teams. Because the creative decision making process requires both ideas to be generated at the individual level and a decision to be made at the team level we conducted a multilevel analysis. At the individual level we found that collectivism moderated the relationship between perceived diversity and the number and quality of ideas. Perceived diversity led to more and higher quality ideas when individuals were high in collectivism. Collectivism was also associated with more individual satisfaction by reducing perceived diversity. At the team level collectivism moderated the relationship between a team's ability to reflect on their ideas and their decision quality. Team reflection led to higher quality decisions when teams were high in collectivism. These results offer new insights on collectivism, perceived diversity and creative decision making.<span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:14.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:13.5pt;font-family:&quot;Times New Roman" ","serif";="" mso-fareast-font-family:楷体_gb2312'="">


