

时间: 2016年11月4日(周五) 13:30-15:30

地点: 史带楼303室

主持人:李玲芳 副教授

主题:Nonconformity in Online Social Networks: Experimental Evidence

主讲人:Michael Zhang (香港科技大学)

Abstract: We explore the role of social influence in online social networks. In a large-scale field experiment on a Chinese social networking site, we find that after minimizing confounding factors such as homophily, observational learning and identity signaling to out-group members, the likelihood of a user adopting a particular choice may decrease with the adoption rate of that choice among her friends. The direction of social influence depends on user characteristics: minority and new users are, for example, more likely to react positively to an increased adoption rate than the majority and well- established users. We then replicate the study in a real-world social advertising setting that allows for learning. We find that while increased adoption is indeed more likely to lead to conformity, well-established users could still decrease the likelihood to conform as adoption rate increases. The results suggest that users in online social networks carefully trade off their needs to belong and to maintain their individuality, and the efficacy of social media advertising depends critically on user characteristics.

Bio: 张晓泉教授是香港科技大学资讯、商业统计及运营学系的副教授。他于2006年在美国麻省理工学院获得管理学博士学位,此前在清华大学获得管理学硕士,工学学士和文学学士的学位。 他曾经从事过的工作有:投资银行分析师,证券公司顾问, 以及高科技公司的国际市场部经理。 在美国学习时,他申请了一项美国专利,并创立了一个知名的华人网络社区(MITBBS, 未名空间),该社区在2004年时得到华尔街日报的报道。张晓泉教授的研究主题围绕着商业和管理中信息的产生,传播和处理。他擅长的研究领域是信息产品的定价,在线口碑传播,在线广告,开源软件和web2.0中的激励机制,以及信息在金融市场中的作用。他的学术论文被美国权威的学术期刊如 American Economic Review,Management Science, MIS Quarterly,  Information Systems Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of MIS等接收。目前张晓泉教授是 Information Systems Research的Senior Editor,  Management Science的Associate Editor。此外,张教授还担任了香港数码港顾问委员会委员,中国移动、华为、招商证券、阿里巴巴湖畔大学,Radica公司顾问等社会职务。


