

地    点: 史带楼303

时    间: 2016年12月20日(周二)13:30—15:00


主持人: 徐笑君  副 教授

Topic: Consistent or Inconsistent Acts after Doing Good Deeds? A Preliminary Conceptualization and Test of a Moral Elasticity Quotient


主讲嘉宾: Xiao-Ping Chen

Associate Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs

Philip M. Condit Endowed Chair Professor of Business Administration

Editor, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Editor, Management Insights



Drawing on the adaptation-level theory and the literatures on moral decision making, we propose and formulate a moral elasticity quotient (i.e., significance of good deeds / moral ideal standard) that regulates people’s moral consistent and inconsistent (licensing) behaviors. Specifically, when the moral significance of past good deeds is below one’s moral ideal standard (elasticity quotient < 1), consistent good deeds will follow; whereas when the significance of good deeds outweighs the moral ideal standard (elasticity quotient > 1), people will feel licensed to engage in morally questionable behaviors. Moreover, we propose that ethical leadership would moderate the relationship between moral elasticity quotient and subsequent consistent or licensing behavior because it elevates the moral ideal standard. Results from three studies with diverse methodologies (a lab experiment, an interview study, and a multi-sourced, three-waved field survey) provide convergent evidence to our theoretical model. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings in the organizational setting. 





