




主讲嘉宾:Yulan Wang, Department of the Logistics and Maritime Studies at Faculty of Business of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

TitleInducing Consumer Online Review via Disclosure

Abstract: In this paper, we investigates a seller's voluntary disclosure strategy when serving two groups of consumers who arrive sequentially and are reference-dependent towards product quality. Consumers may be myopic or sophisticated, depending on whether they can make rational inferences from the seller's disclosure behavior as well as the experienced consumer's quality review. We show that when consumers are myopic, the seller strategically discloses/withholds his high-quality information when the magnitude of reference effect is low/high. However, when consumers are sophisticated, the seller can hardly withhold any quality information unless the magnitude of reference effect is sufficiently high. The seller is more likely to disclose his quality information to the sophisticated consumers than to the myopic ones. When consumers possess heterogeneous quality preferences, this allows the seller to design more delicate disclosure strategy towards myopic consumers but prohibits the seller from concealing the quality information from sophisticated consumers. We show that the above insights are quite robust regardless of whether the review rating is bounded or not, whether the consumer type changes over the periods or whether the seller can endogenously choose which group of consumers to serve first. 


