

书到读时方知少。感谢遇见超有实力的BI-Fudan MBA,感谢遇见超优秀的32班,感谢遇见超活跃的Group 2,感谢遇见超有预见的自己!未来不知道,我却有了迷之自信,看下我们强大的后援团!

——MBA32 Aciya Huang 黄慧伟【完成Randi Lunna教授“Business Strategy”课程的感悟】

BI-Fudan MBA,以这样的方式来庆祝六一节,开启一段艰苦又有收获的旅程,相信若干年后一定会庆幸今天做的这个选择。

——MBA32 Aciya Huang 黄慧伟【新生参加Opening Orientation Course的感悟】

Experiences may come with age, but wisdoms not necesarily. Excellent 4days spent on numerouse design thinking excises to accelerate our life time value and all strategic perspectives of HRM. Thanks to all classmates and our Slovenia Prof.Dr Miha and lovely TA, ur supportive efforts will definitely outperform and deserved more than a 3/4 ranking.

——MBA30 Edwin Xue 薛汝清 【完成Miha Škerlavaj教授的“Human Resource Management”课程的感悟】

You made me finally be away of the linear way of thinking and provided me with the tools and motivation to go further... Big thanks to both Professors!

——MBA30 Juan Manuel Reina 【完成美国UC Berkeley海外选修课“Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Beyond”的感悟】

Amazing and fantastic one week study in UC Berkeley. Living with uncertainty and waiting for the right pitch. Go Bears!

——MBA29 Yajun Zhang 张亚军 【完成美国UC Berkeley海外选修课“Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Beyond”的感悟】

珍惜一周在伯克利学习的机会~教授们的渊博商业知识和见解~每一刻都提醒着自己~在成为优秀之前还有很长的路要走~感谢小伙伴们的一路照顾~让旧金山与魔都毫无违和感~最后记录下UCB的四条Principles来鞭策自己- Question the Status Quo // Confidence without Attitude // Students Always // Beyond Yourself


——MBA29 Michelle Ding 丁晶莹 【完成美国UC Berkeley海外选修课“Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Beyond”的感悟】

#Fantastic Course of UCB# With the whole process of how to run a business from a startup to corporation, and how VCs evaluate a company in different stages. This course lights us up with the perfect arrangement and rich cases studies, quite useful approaches and frameworks.

——MBA30 Jasmine Yu 喻蓓黎 【完成美国UC Berkeley海外选修课“Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Beyond”的感悟】


——MBA29 Yuanhua Wang 王元华 【完成Espen Andersen教授的“Strategic Technology and Innovation Management”课程的感悟】

Strategic Technology and Innovation Management 4 days, 3 evenings (with 3 hours of sleep each night), a fantastic team (with 110% contribution from each and everyone), 3 amazing TOP-NOTCH professors and a BILLION of coffees later... I still always ask myself, what made me end up doing a MBA. I think the pictures speak for themselves.... You learn, you grow, you challenge yourself (WAY out of your comfort zone) and you meet so many talented and wonderful people. So grateful for all of this! Thank you BI-Fudan MBA!

——MBA30 Christina Lein Stoermer 【完成Espen Andersen教授的“Strategic Technology and Innovation Management”课程的感悟】

This OMC course finished beautifully, literally speaking. The coffees, the visit to Consul General’s, the escape game... we really learn hard, play hard. Prof. Hanno with his wands turns BI-Fudan MBA into Hogwarts(he did bring those into class). Wish that magic last forever.

——MBA31 Sean Song 宋卓 【完成Hanno Roberts教授的“Organizational Management and Control”课程的感悟】

The organizational management & control educates the way of thinking as an executive. The entire progress of moving out of the comfort zone is stressful.

I’m evolving to a better me. Thanks for Professor Hanno. OMC is a progress from one comfort zone to another. Now I have to switch to the pressure releasing mode.

——MBA31 Stefanie Zhang 张瑾 【完成Hanno Roberts教授的“Organizational Management and Control”课程的感悟】

OMC这门课,我最大的收获就是在伙伴们身上真切感受到了“全力以赴”带来的magic。什么是认真?什么是All In? 什么是拼尽全力?什么是团队协作?什么是兑现承诺?什么是每天只睡4小时也比其他人散发着更大能量?真心觉得这些所见所闻所经历,比起那些商学院的知识,更让我受益匪浅。


——MBA31 Angel Sun 孙燕倩【完成Hanno Roberts教授的“Organizational Management and Control”课程的感悟】

International business,course completed.
最后,特别要感谢我们的助教,他是到目前为止最热心、最负责任的助教,甚至建立了一个WeChat group,给大家分享教授的资料,他自己做的笔记,还有各种琐碎的事情,非常感谢!
Not too many courses left. 小伙伴们,加油!

——MBA29 Lisa Li 李栀 【完成Gabriel Benito教授的“International Business”课程的感悟】

回国后第一次回归班级的怀抱,看到同学们好兴奋,很高兴。四天的Human Resource Management课程真的内涵丰富,教授课前布置视频作业,不仅让我们各种戏精上身,还拜小组中DK俞奇大导演所赐体验了一把拍电影的感觉。课程中的各种Simulation,Case分析,甚至请来了案例分析中Outfit 7现任CEO,30左右的年龄让所有人赞叹不已(年少有为)和Danfoss的HR VP,分享企业实战经验。产教结合让我们学得也印象深刻,视频,案例,在线游戏模拟中承担各种C level职位,感觉自己的官瘾已经很大了,怎么办(⊙o⊙)!

——MBA29 Jason Jiang 蒋翥宇 【完成Miha Škerlavaj教授的“Human Resource Management”课程的感悟】

这几天真填补了我HRM的空白,原来HR不只是招聘薪酬……那些东西,还有很多很多(请原谅我的误解)。Professor不光有Case,还把Case公司的人请过来了,Outfit7(会说话的汤姆猫的开发公司)的CEO和Danfoss丹佛斯的HR VP,有意思的分享。几个Simulation也让人过了一把公司高层角色扮演的瘾。谢谢老师和一起合作的同学们!

——MBA29 Vince Liang 梁文思 【完成Miha Škerlavaj教授的“Human Resource Management”课程的感悟】
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