

时 间:2019年11月8日(周五)10:00-11:30

地 点:复旦大学管理学院史带楼302室

主 题:Is smaller housing size a consequence of land price policy and building permit regulations?

主讲人: Mats Wilhelmsson 瑞典皇家工学院建筑与建成环境学院 常务副院长、教授

主持人: 李玲芳 复旦大学管理学院产业经济学系 副教授

摘 要:We can observe the trend of smaller housing units in new residential construction in many countries with rapid urban growth. It is essential to recognize the driving forces that are behind this trend because if it sustains, in the long run, negative consequences for sustainable development can be expected. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the main underlying factors affecting the average size of apartments in new construction in major Swedish cities. Panel data methodology applied in the analysis. The model uses the average size of an apartment in new housing construction as a function of the changes in the population, house prices, mortgage interest rates, rents, land prices, building permits per capita.We estimate the interrelationship between apartment size and these variables through simultaneous equation models. The data covers both the rental and the cooperative housing sectors over 25 years. The analysis demonstrates that the land values and building policies, along with market fundamentals, are the underlying factors that affect the average size of an apartment in new residential construction. Opposite to previous studies that focus on the number of new housing, we analyze the average size of new housing units and factors that affect it on an aggregated level.

讲座人简介:Mats Wilhelmsson,瑞典皇家工学院建筑与建成环境学院常务副院长、教授。Wilhelmsson教授在2000年获得瑞典皇家工学院不动产经济学博士学位,2008年起为该校教授,2016年起担任该校建筑与建成环境(School of Architecture and Built Environment)学院的常务副院长。他还曾担任该校银行与金融研究中心主任。他的主要研究领域包括房地产、城市经济和环境经济。Wilhelmsson教授在Journal of Economic Geography、Journal of Urban Economics、Papers in Regional Science、Journal of Environmental Planning and Management、Journal of Housing Economics、Journal of Rural Studies、Journal of Housing and the Built Environment、Journal of Policy Modeling、Annals of Regional Science、Journal of Real Esate Research等多个环境类、区域科学类、城市研究类的国际知名学术期刊发表论文,并担任《Housing, theory and society》和《International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis》等国际学术期刊的编委。


