

 间:2019年12月12日(周四)  14:00-16:00


主持人:卫田 副教授

主 题: The influence of Operational Staff factors, Top Management Team characteristics and Transformational Leadership on M&A Integration and performance in China

主讲嘉宾:  Prof. Rekha Rao-Nicholson

简 介:

Professor Rekha Rao-Nicholson is a Professor of Management at the University of Essex. While pursuing her Post Doctoral research at Imperial College, she looked at the development of several successful public-private partnerships in India. She has also studied successful cross-border acquisitions by several emerging economy companies; and the creation of value in project-based businesses in India. She has had numerous grants, including from funding council like BA-Leverhulme, Royal Economic Society, ESRC. Her research interests are the strategy in emerging economies, emerging-market MNCs, leadership, M&As, management, and economics of innovation in developed and developing countries.

摘 要:

With the growth of M&As in China, studies have explored the role of leadership and organisational human resource factors in the integration and performance of these deals. In this study, the organisational influences derived from operational staff and Top Management Team (TMT) peculiarities and their impact on M&A integration and post-M&A performance are explored in the context of Transformational Leadership. The conceptual model is tested using 295 responses from six industries obtained from online survey. The results suggest that there is partial support for the effect of operational staff factors on the M&A integration, whereas there is much more comprehensive support for the effect of TMT factors on the M&A integration. Based on the results, implications for theory and practice are advanced taking into account the unique organisational and managerial context of China.


