• Data Science &Business Analytics Program


The School is the first in China to establish a 5-6 year consecutive PHD program for students of academic degree programs. Tine learning goal was:
-To develop a mastery of research methodologies and to acquire a substantial research capacity.
-To develop a global vision, a wide spectrum of knowledge, and an overall understanding of the local business environment.
-To become research scholars who hold leading positions in China. And whose research standards meet or exceed the international level.
This program is dedicated to cultivating potential scholars who are equipped with international perspectives and China Insights. After graduation, the PHD students are Intended to become research scholars to work at top Chinese universities, academic institutes, governmental think-tanks. And research units affiliated with leading enterprises In various Industries.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
17110690021 薄心茹 17110690034 齐峰 18110690035 杨建华
17110690023 陈皓雪 19110690007 施建为 18110690036 张恒瑞
20110690020 陈宁 18110690002 施婧婧 19110690010 张坤
17110690010 刁文 17110690036 石凡 19110690001 张明
17110690025 范琳珊 18110690028 王丹阳 17110690003 张秀梅
18110690021 付原 19110690015 王德瑞 19110690035 赵丽芳
18110690010 黄佳舟 18110690029 王芬芬 1.81E+10 赵曦
18110690011 贾珍珍 19110690013 王今朝 18110690038 周琳
19110690029 梁永恒 18110690009 王籼入 17110690020 周琪
15110690010 刘丰园 1.61E+10 卫健炯 18110690006 周依仿
18110690013 刘行 18110690032 吴怡俐 15110690014 朱海林
19110690023 吕梦 18110690003 奚哲伟 19110690017 邹玉凤
17110690033 马刚 17110690001 校建立  
学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
19210690128 段郡婷 19210690157 李东 19210690148 吴菲婷
19210690142 冯浩妍 19210690147 卢鹤 19210690166 谢方刚
19210690127 何塑 21110690025 秦皓楠 19210690156 徐薇
19210690170 黄琳 19210690163 王楷文 20210690194 徐瑶
18210690025 黄敏        


At the beginning of reform and opening up. Fudan University took the lead to resume the recruitment of undergraduate students of management major in 1977. Up till now, undergraduates from School of Management have come from the following 7 majors Management Science. Information Management and Information Systems, Accounting, Statistics, Business Administration Marketing, and Finance. The cultivation of undergraduate students is oriented to liberal education, which emphasizes on cultivating students' comprehensive quality and equipping them with excellent morality and basic knowledge of management field, in order to meet with the needs of social development and become the management talent for the future of our country.
On the basis of Fudan's unified requirements for undergraduate education program, School of Management has specially added the following educational content:

  • Adopted 2+X training mode, effectively coordinating with Fudan's liberal education, Basic Education of School of Management, and specialized courses in respective departments.
  • Established full-tutorial system, providing on personalized guidance by teachers for each undergraduate.
  • Increased practice credits, focusing on cultivating students' social leadership.
  • Founded academic classes,built academic research platform,guided students with scientific interests and academic potential for further study.
  • Actively expanding international exchanges programs to bring more exchange opportunities for students and to develop an international perspective.
学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
19307100022 安浩宇 19307100121 梁郅彬 18307100062 严汉民
19307100148 巴慕蓉 18307100152 林志聪 18307130036 阎行
19307100063 曹阳 19307100076 刘嘉佳 19307100017 杨北辰
19307100114 常家莉 16301170040 刘茜 18307110340 杨鸿洲
19307100042 车一博 19307100008 刘松嘉 19307100056 杨俊
19307100064 陈楚涵 18307130100 刘天 19307100018 杨亮量
19307100119 陈海涵 18307100003 刘小龙 19307100093 杨歆鸣
19307100153 陈建桦 19307100038 刘兴宇 19307100151 杨懿园
18307110520 陈婉颖 18307100125 刘玉洁 19307100160 姚恺威
18307100073 陈心怡 19307100122 罗池婧 19307100094 姚若琪
18307110183 陈一龙 19307100009 罗钰霖 19307100095 姚韵希
19307100066 陈音绮 19307100077 吕美含 19307100039 叶冷竹
19307100067 迟圣音 19307100113 马哲 18307100114 叶思源
19307100011 仇子扬 19307100078 茅嘉宁 19307100096 叶子瑜
18307090157 丑雨婷 18300290059 梅耿萍 19307100125 应文韵
18307110323 邓杰 19307100079 梅新宇 19307100045 于国华
19307100135 邓诺诺 18307110493 彭嘉轩 19307100126 俞悦
18307100019 杜炅昊 19300696013 朴相允 19307100097 郁淳言
18307110522 杜思瑾 18307100034 钱律丞 19307100026 袁俊潇
19307100068 段楠 18300290042 任泓竹 18307090024 岳璟旸
19307100002 范宜正 19307100081 沈馨怡 19307100098 查阅
19307100069 冯嘉文 19307100083 沈英楠 18300130014 詹正恺
18300290006 冯童 19307100162 施怡雯 18307110530 张枫吟
19307100021 付文昊 19307100055 宋渤言 19307100040 张扶摇
17307110141 傅锐 19307100024 孙培钧 19307100051 张光迪
19307100070 甘懿琳 19307100143 孙润春 19307100046 张嘉禾
19307100136 高偲瑗 18307130302 孙蜀钦 18307090169 张乐洋
19307100072 高雨欣 19307100085 唐雪楠 19307100054 张沐
19307100003 顾文韬 18300290012 陶灏然 19307100117 张姝君
19307100073 顾香 19307100013 田也 18307130310 张舒辰
19307100111 郭佳莹 19307100086 庹琳 18307110402 张笑颜
19307100108 郭紫玉 19307100032 汪士栋 18300120029 张璇
19307100047 韩明浩 19307100139 汪雨迪 19307100027 张杨
19307100029 何徐轩 18307110517 王洪霖 19307100099 张忆惠
19307100120 何奕洁 19307100158 王俊輝 19307100100 张亦雯
19307100004 何雨啸 19307100147 王沁菲 19307100110 张奕扬
19307130182 何昱辰 19307100128 王秋冉 19307100101 张滢霄
19307100043 胡坤 18300290053 王霆懿 19307100102 张昀天
19307100005 黄浩 19307100138 王怡帆 19307100035 张蕴达
19307100154 黄廉棋 19307100087 王旖晨 18307110139 张舟
19307100131 黄诗婕 19307100050 王祯霖 18307130345 张子雍
18307110498 黄晓岚 19307100014 王子恩 19307100130 章睿
19307100074 黄歆雨 19307100089 王紫蓝 18300500005 赵仁滨
19307100006 黄旸 18307110415 魏天琪 19307100057 赵赟
19307100007 蒋天煦 19307100140 魏伊 18307100059 钟旺
19307100048 焦鹏歌 19307100141 文星月 19307100103 周慧钰
19307100123 解扬奕 18307130269 吴承辰 18307100047 周进宇
17300696012 金圣恩 18307110291 吴翟 19307100104 周璇
19307100030 金湛 19307100090 吴心怡 19307130293 周扬
18307110262 李邦瑞 19307100034 吴宇迪 19307100019 周屹宁
18300290022 李博文 19307100155 吳煜熙 19307100020 朱虹昆
18307100147 李方晴 18302010065 谢元 19307100118 朱鸣飞
19307100036 李卫俊 18300290024 徐彬钧 19307100106 朱清格
19307100157 李文俊 19307100150 徐聃 19307100107 朱怡君
19307100116 李想 19307100016 徐子恒 18300130007 朱毅铭
19307100132 李欣 19307100144 许嘉仪 18307110112 朱英华
19307100075 李园听雨 19307100145 许润华 19307100028 祝思昊
19307100156 梁家謙 19307100124 许芷仪 19300696010 ENKHJIN ENKHTUYA
19307100137 梁腾 19307100092 薛冰宁


In order to cater to the grand goal of the State Council to build Shanghai into an international financial center, the Master of Finance Program was launched in 2010 based on the School's own resource advantages through international collaborations. This program is committed to developing aspiring professionals who can advance knowledge and practice in financial industry. It offers a master of Finance degree with specialization in Financial Engineering, International Finance and Global International Finance.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
21210690008 别佳芮 21210690075 林睦锦 21210690081 王悦如
21210690070 陈灿 21210690016 刘婧怡 21210690033 魏婉怡
21210690047 陈希睿 21210690017 刘琳箫 21210690034 吴越
21210690009 丁奕博 21210690076 刘晓冰 21210690035 萧戈言
21210690048 董伊婷 21210690077 刘忻祎 21210690064 谢宇迪
21210690010 冯雨田 21210690018 柳冰 21210690082 徐程辰
21210690049 高郡 21210690020 鲁瑜婷 21210690036 徐心娴
21210690011 高雅 21210690058 陆俊驰 21210690065 许愉航
21210690050 高原 21210690021 陆奕 21210690066 杨明昊
21210690071 郭静怡 21210690022 吕佳鸣 21210690037 尹浩
21210690012 何方仪 21210690060 吕王曦煜 20210690020 尹柯羽
21210690072 胡星羽 21210690078 吕维信 21210690038 俞锦琦
21210690073 胡奕玥 21210690023 马思瑾 21210690040 张宁芷
21210690052 纪浩宇 21210690061 马瑛东 21210690041 张熠轩
21210690053 江金昱 20210690040 潘豪康 20210690023 张宇晗
20210690019 孔杨 21210690025 祁亦麟 21210690083 赵心悦
21210690054 李高磊 21210690026 钱盈 21210690068 赵子杰
21210690055 李静怡 21210690028 邱月亭 21210690043 郑诗雅
21210690056 李可馨 21210690029 沈晗 21210690069 仲忆
21210690013 李培静 21210690030 石允潜 21210690044 周菁
21210690057 李哲 21210690079 万雪煜 21210690045 周润秋
21210690074 厉小凡 21210690080 王涵睿 20210690012 周伟航
21210690001 廖晓凝 21210690031 王露桦 21210690046 朱晓舟


Jointly initiated by Fudan University, Commercial University of Luigi Bocconi and LUISS GUIDO CARLI, Double Degree of International Business (DDIM) is designed to educate new blood in management with multinational background, global vision and competitiveness, Students are required to entirely master advanced management concepts, proficiently adopt modern management skills, and become senior applied management talents with solid management theory and knowledge. The duration of the program is two and a half years, with all courses presented in English. The students have core courses and parts of elective courses in School of Management, Fudan University in their first year, and then they move to Bocconi or Luiss to complete elective courses. The academic dissertation writing and defense will be completed in Italy. In last half year, Chinese students will return to School of Management of Fudan University to fulfill degree application procedures. The students, who have obtained required credits, and passed the dissertation defense, will be granted by Fudan University the master’s degree and the degree of Italian MSc International Management (to be issued by Commercial University of Luigi Bocconi or LUISS GUIDO CARLI).

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
20210690127 常舒蒙 20210690154 谭思怡 20210690326 CONCETTA AMBROSIO
20210690113 党浩晨 20210690145 王怡人 20210690334 FRANCESCA MALLUCCI
20210690156 邓蕴秋 20210690146 王悦雯 20210690336 FRANCESCO ANESE
20210690147 甘柠瑜 20210690117 吴烨琳 20210690337 GAETANO SQUEGLIA
20210690155 谷晓慧 20210690122 姚鹏远 19210690331 GIOVANNI SARTI
20210690149 胡宇成 19210690068 俞楠 20210690338 GIULIA BALLOCCHI
20210690152 蒋轶 20210690112 俞祎 20210690340 GIUSEPPE EMANUELE DI MARZO
20210690123 孔繁绮 20210690153 虞俊鑫 19210690333 GUGLIELMO SCHENARDI
20210690135 李嘉怡 20210690128 张嫒雯 20210690341 ILARIA CAROFIGLIO
20210690137 李沁峰 20210690129 张希 20210690347 LAURA ARMATO
20210690138 李言熙 20210690130 张潇文 20210690348 LIDIA DURBIANO
20210690136 李月 20210690159 郑铃佳欣 20210690351 LUDOVICA CIOLFI
20210690115 刘宁真 20210690157 郑思漪 20210690353 LUIGI BUONINCONTRO
20210690114 刘娴 20210690119 周心韵 20210690357 MASSIMO MARONI
20210690376 玛佳 20210690126 宗紫来 19210690358 PASQUALE SAPONARO
20210690148 申屠可心 20210690312 ALBERTO RUSSO 20210690363 PIETRO SERACINI
20210690142 沈卓珺 19210690302 ALESSANDRO BESOZZI 20210690364 QUINTO LORENZO GALATI
20210690125 宋子威 20210690316 ANDREA FANELLI 20210690369 STEFANO SEONI
20210690124 孙铭涛 20210690318 ANTONIA GRANATA 20210690371 VALENTINA TUVERI


Global Master in Management (GMiM) program is a two-year program initiated jointly by School of Management of Fudan University and London Business School. London Business School is consistently ranked as one of the best business schools in the world. School of Management of Fudan University is an Asia-leading business school. Delivered jointly by the two schools, GMiM absorbs the essence of both eastern and western management system. It combines local practices with global visions and meets the needs of global trends. The program is designed to cultivate competitive business talents and future leaders in the global scale, who have global visions and native senses as well as cross-cultural communication competence.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
20210690164 陈浩男 21210690176 孔泰力 21210690185 张朔涵
21210690169 陈可欣 21210690178 刘洵孜 21210690186 章怡
21210690170 陈梦茜 21210690179 钱曾一 21210690327 AMAURY FREDERIC MERLEVEDE
19210690112 陈思佳 21210690180 王言 21210690336 CHU KWOK REN DAREK
21210690171 陈心越 20210690140 杨珺人 20210690349 LIN WIN HTET NYAN
21210690172 程家琪 21210690181 杨宇豪 20210690360 MOLICA  CHAN
21210690174 高源 21210690182 杨振阳 20210690361 OCTAVE HECTOR FELIX GONET
21210690175 黄羽婷 21210690184 余鑫哲  

Data Science &Business Analytics Program

The DS&BA program follows the BA program cultivation system at top international business institutions. Students are trained to apply quantitative methods to process and analyze complex business data, solve decision-making and management problems in the business field, and become high-end talents in the data analysis and data management field for companies, enterprises, and the government through a systematic study of business statistics methods, business decision-making models, data management, and mining techniques.
The program is a two-year-long full-time one. Students who apply for this program must have a strong mathematical and programming background. After students achieve the degree criteria and complete the requisite credits and thesis, they will be awarded a Master's degree in Applied Statistics (Data Science and Business Analytics).

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
21210690084 蔡少帅 21210690100 李政达 21210690116 习鹏飞
21210690085 曹聪 21210690101 林玟妤 21210690117 徐蕴琦
21210690086 陈靖洋 21210690102 刘荣葳 21210690118 杨晓冬
21210690087 陈鹏宇 21210690103 罗文翔 21210690119 杨艳艳
21210690088 崔景睿 21210690104 吕妍 21210690121 应鎏哲
21210690089 戴子健 21210690105 马毓婕 21210690123 臧天一
21210690090 邓煊洁 21210690106 潘晨璋 21210690124 曾梓桓
21210690091 刁鹏 21210690107 石晋宾 21210690125 张海璇
21210690092 丁琪龙 21210690108 孙家伟 21210690126 张新楠
21210690093 冯炜 21210690109 谭博文 21210690127 张展豪
21210690094 符卓宇 21210690110 谭博予 21210690128 赵文玉
21210690095 何怡君 21210690112 汪子杰 21210690129 周家旋
21210690096 黄模锋 21210690113 王春晖 21210690130 周千鸿
21210690098 李承晋 21210690114 王烨诚 21210690132 周鸷鹏
21210690099 李燊 21210690115 巫永昶 21210690133 朱博闻


Fudan University is one of the first nine pioneering universities approved by the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China to be qualified to award Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Supported by the profound foundation of humanity studies of Fudan University that has lasted over a century, the MBA Program of Fudan University learns the advanced concept and method of business and administration education in Europe and America and keeps promoting innovation and development. It has formed its cultivation system with unique features, that is, putting the all-round improvement of students at the core of education, setting groups of elective courses of certain directions, focusing on the practice of management and building platforms that promote leadership, broaden the international horizon and achieve life-long development to maximize the value of the study of MBA students. The duration of the MBA program is 2 years and a half. The program is part-time with courses delivered in Chinese. By completing relevant credits and successfully defending the thesis, students will be conferred MBA diploma and degree from Fudan University.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
20260690808 白方波 20260690577 李芸 18260690525 王艳
20260691175 鲍晨骏 20260690530 李之声 20260690758 王杨扬
20260691177 鲍见乐 20260690583 李陟昱 20260690770 王瑛琦
20260691174 鲍平乐 20260690559 李智 20260690798 王颖
20260691176 鲍蕊 20260690528 李中海 20260690762 王永华
20260690895 蔡城 20260690537 李卓凝 20260690738 王幼骏
20260690893 蔡东菊 20260690538 李卓蔚 20260690723 王元
20260690900 蔡虹 20260690644 梁诚 20260690731 王媛
20260690896 蔡巧玲 20260690642 梁娟 20260690742 王悦
20260690894 蔡元 20260690643 梁瑞波 20260690749 王昭强
20260690486 曹登明 20260690633 林超 20260690147 卫俊玲
20260690484 曹慧超 19260691449 林捷 20260691163 魏健
20260690483 曹展 20260690625 林丽 20260691170 魏薇
20260690490 曹铮 20260690630 林星鑫 20260691162 魏伟红
20260690478 昌晓雯 20260690626 林亚 20260690697 温磊
20260691092 陈爱铂 19260690091 凌晨 20260690467 文增友
20260691087 陈波 20260690132 刘邦强 20260690182 吴斌
20260691074 陈成 20260690095 刘博 19260690180 吴大群
20260691071 陈慈钰 20260690126 刘畅 20260690192 吴迪
20260691048 陈丹平 20260690106 刘戴丽 18260690544 吴方琪
20260691101 陈道生 20260690083 刘丹 20260690173 吴佳艳
20260691090 陈点玉 20260690085 刘丹华 20260690174 吴剑峰
20260691077 陈方 20260690131 刘道夫 19260690181 吴娇莹
20260691098 陈芳 19260690130 刘芳 20260690184 吴楠
20260691107 陈飞洲 20260690139 刘飞 20260690181 吴文娟
20260691051 陈凤 20260690114 刘朏朏 20260690193 吴霞
20260691066 陈广 20260690108 刘斐 20260690170 吴伊沁
20260691088 陈浩 20260690134 刘钢 20260690178 吴崟瀛
20260691096 陈皞 19260690101 刘吉春 20260690189 吴芸
20260691072 陈慧 20260690090 刘佳明 20260690649 武苗苗
20260691053 陈吉瑶 20260690093 刘健超 20260690646 武志俊
18260690033 陈杰 20260690113 刘晶杰 20260690249 奚高
19260691169 陈金静 19260690137 刘静茹 20260690328 席光宇
20260691103 陈铠 20260690091 刘俊峰 20260690329 席时清
20260691093 陈玲 20260690092 刘俊峰 20260690247 夏顺祥
20260691095 陈玲玲 20260690128 刘美华 20260690245 夏啸林
20260691083 陈梦琪 20260690103 刘强 20260690246 夏智文
20260691076 陈敏 20260690123 刘琼瑶 20260690165 向琳茜
20260691080 陈明 20260690122 刘涛 20260690854 肖晨晔
20260691084 陈楠 20260690127 刘童 20260690851 肖丹
20260691085 陈楠天 20260690101 刘巍 20260690853 肖俊卿
19260691122 陈启明 20260690105 刘惟丹 20260690855 肖梦超
18260690030 陈尚华 20260690129 刘蔚 20260690852 肖伊雯
20260691062 陈少媛 20260690102 刘希 20260690932 谢钧
19260691128 陈帅 20260690112 刘晓思 18260690563 谢天佑
20260691055 陈婷婷 20260690104 刘心宇 20260690931 谢玮
20260691056 陈婷婷 20260690136 刘雪枫 19260690996 谢霄羽
20260691106 陈霞 20260690116 刘杨 20260690967 邢文靓
19260691140 陈晓霁 20260690124 刘瑶 20260690969 邢育超
20260691102 陈鑫 18260690307 刘玉飞 19260690733 熊蕾
20260691105 陈雄 19260690098 刘元元 20260690709 熊祎
20260691078 陈旭 20260690130 刘远 20260690710 熊祖元
20260691079 陈旭晔 20260690100 刘展展 20260690308 宿琨
19260691151 陈漪 20260690133 刘钊 20260690450 徐菲爽
20260691070 陈怡 18260690308 刘哲夫 20260690439 徐晖荣
20260691067 陈忆 20260690098 刘子凯 20260690440 徐洁
20260691061 陈寅帅 19260690152 卢洲 20260690441 徐洁琼
20260691099 陈莹 20260691172 鲁云飞 20260690445 徐经纬
20260691057 陈媛 20260691043 陆蓓蕾 18260690573 徐立
20260690455 成江伟 20260691038 陆晨旻 20260690443 徐烈超
19260690865 程华 20260691032 陆佳 20260690430 徐启明
19260690866 程晓雨 20260691034 陆娇芸 20260690426 徐仁博
20260690828 程远 20260691046 陆静祎 20260690449 徐荣华
20260690827 程跃平 18260690316 陆黎巍 20260690446 徐维琛
20260690141 初宏波 20260691037 陆敏会 20260690451 徐蔚雯
20260690912 褚博学 20260691041 陆舒楠 20260690452 徐雯
20260690015 丛王军 20260691039 陆玮 20260690447 徐翔旻
20260690318 崔宝松 20260691040 陆瑶 20260690438 徐晓端
20260690320 崔晨光 20260691178 鹿文文 20260690437 徐晓华
20260690321 崔芝 20260690959 路烨 20260690425 徐严凤
19260690480 戴文娣 20260690639 栾伟中 20260690442 徐滢滢
20260690460 戴晓怡 20260690042 伦丽娜 20260690453 徐颖
20260690461 戴燕燕 20260690845 罗成 20260690919 许峰
20260690463 戴颖 19260690880 罗婧 20260691440 许景慈
20260690962 邓党良 20260690846 罗敏 20260690922 许柯
20260690966 邓增彪 20260690166 吕娜 20260690916 许丽萍
20260690012 丁蓓蓓 20260691137 马佳丽 20260690924 许琦彦
20260690004 丁岚 20260691138 马俊 20260690921 许文娟
20260690011 丁立刚 20260691147 马琳 20260690927 许雅欣
20260690005 丁徐磊 20260691144 马明宇 20260690918 许兆伟
20260690008 丁永洁 20260691139 马勇 20260690016 严兵勇
20260690888 董顺芳 20260691148 马越 20260690022 严芳
20260690830 窦丹赟 19260690925 苗正钰 20260690018 严桑桑
20260690831 窦月雯 20260690842 缪而赞 20260690017 严政
20260690586 杜娟 20260690843 缪荔庚特 20260690913 言芳
18260690089 杜立靖 20260690068 倪陈樑 20260690613 杨碧文
20260690588 杜林苑蓉 19260690075 倪佳冰 20260690617 杨超
18260690091 杜青 20260690067 倪玉梅 20260690605 杨春艳
19260690689 段驰 20260690850 聂时昊 20260690594 杨华
20260690645 樊丽华 20260690302 宁佳彦 20260690595 杨华
20260690881 范玉梅 18260690352 牛明 20260690592 杨佳慧
20260690472 方迪茜 20260690702 潘春霞 20260690597 杨建鑫
20260690468 方宇航 17210691130 潘丽玲 20260690620 杨金龙
20260690466 房浩亭 20260690703 潘梦冉 20260690616 杨蕗溦
20260690078 冯洁 20260690707 潘鹏举 20260690609 杨然
20260690076 冯旻玥 20260690705 潘睿 20260690591 杨伟
20260690077 冯晓梅 20260690706 潘随波 20260690604 杨文广
20260690075 冯彦琴 20260690424 彭钧杰 20260690621 杨鑫玲
20260690035 付亚洲 20260690421 彭庆 20260690614 杨秀超
20260690070 傅意哲 19260690427 彭师凤 19260690651 杨雪婷
20260690069 傅哲烨 20260690419 彭婷 20260690598 杨彦
20260691155 高捷 19260690430 彭雪翔 20260690615 杨彦方
20260691158 高磊 20260690526 朴逢花 18260690615 杨一平
20260691156 高楠 20260690456 戚俐俐 20260690608 杨毅啸
20260691157 高榕樯 20260691410 戚永靖 20260690622 杨颖
20260691152 高圣洁 20260690458 戚雨卉 20260690612 杨玉华
20260691159 高翔 20260691204 齐格司 20260690602 杨悦
20260691151 高依文 20260690819 祁晓梅 20260690589 杨之颖
20260690885 葛自力 20260691029 钱超君 20260690251 姚杰
20260690848 耿欣源 20260691024 钱俊 20260690253 姚金秋
20260690327 巩恺 20260691028 钱良 20260690250 姚志俊
18260690121 顾超瑜 20260690417 强玮 19260690167 叶菁
20260691129 顾冀鸣 20260690025 乔林坤 20260690153 叶丽丽
20260691132 顾建栋 20260690024 乔晓辉 19260690161 叶姗
20260691135 顾雨嫣 20260690034 仇春 20260690154 叶文玉
20260691131 顾媛媛 20260690074 冉思宜 20260690155 叶显靖
20260690073 关宁 20260690040 任威 20260690158 叶秀娟
20260690640 桂冰 20260691031 阮杰 20260690036 仪立群
20260691001 郭洪逍 20260690240 商竹佳 19260690501 易乐为
20260690993 郭佳佳 20260690976 邵嵩华 18260690628 易谦
19260691057 郭建科 20260690978 邵长治 20260690479 易子琳
20260690995 郭峻峰 20260690049 佘翔 20260690657 殷浩
20260691004 郭赛妮 20260690048 佘忠充 20260690653 殷俊
19260691060 郭文江 20260690806 申爽 20260690655 殷晓霞
20260691007 郭雪蒙 20260690681 沈忱 20260690656 殷智杰
20260690991 郭亚男 20260690685 沈晨 20260690312 尹剑波
20260691002 郭艺钧 20260690683 沈恩慧 20260690311 尹世杰
20260691003 郭莹莹 20260690676 沈佳 20260690332 应佳
20260691000 郭永翔 20260690687 沈澜 20260690698 游振宇
20260691005 郭雨阳 18260690390 沈良 20260690027 于光莹
20260690999 郭正豪 20260690682 沈思思 18260690635 于卉洋
20260691121 韩涤清 20260690678 沈威 20260690029 于宁
20260691125 韩金辉 20260690686 沈未雯 20260690030 于宁
20260691118 韩之斐 18260690396 沈琰 19260690025 于晓毅
20260690624 杭玮 20260690689 沈瑜雯 20260690052 余搏越
20260690990 郝利琼 20260690690 沈雨霏 20260690054 余浩
20260690043 何伟国 20260690812 盛金龙 20260690053 余文文
20260690938 贺嘉良 20260690811 盛凯 20260690050 余悦安
20260690692 洪佳倩 20260690810 盛伟 20260690063 俞奇
20260690693 洪幼叶 20260690475 施欢欢 20260690981 郁晓洋
20260690694 洪志钊 20260690474 施娟 20260690905 袁旭
20260690062 侯莉 20260690473 施卿 20260690907 袁燕虹
20260690060 侯林林 20260690817 石瑞华 20260690906 袁毅灵
20260690059 侯晓龙 20260690815 石欣灵 20260690909 袁贇皓
20260690858 胡冰心 20260690814 石旭东 20260690873 臧文韬
20260690866 胡慧婕 20260690477 时静杰 20260690914 詹甘霖
20260690860 胡凯平 20260690152 史成尧 20260690347 张傲眉
20260690856 胡佩佩 20260690151 史恬页 20260690382 张晨光
20260690861 胡启明 20260690149 史卓文 20260690383 张晨玥
20260690857 胡倩倩 20260690309 寿丹平 20260690376 张承丽
20260690869 胡泉君 20260690162 司文雪 20260690387 张栋
19260690914 胡贤哲 20260690303 宋丹炜 19260690383 张根荣
20260690867 胡晓初 20260690304 宋俊芳 20260690366 张广庆
18260690158 胡轩溢 20260690306 宋明崇 20260691441 张红怡
20260690870 胡铉九 20260690281 孙斌 20260690360 张宏慧
20260690871 胡雨佳 20260690268 孙东亮 20260690373 张慧
20260690862 胡哲 20260690272 孙付双 20260690375 张慧慧
20260690902 虎静茹 20260690277 孙嘉骏 20260690344 张俭隆
20260690142 华新星 20260690282 孙洁 20260690367 张建华
20260691181 黄冰 20260690275 孙可嘉 20260690368 张建晓
20260691196 黄海军 20260690269 孙丽伟 20260690391 张洁
20260691182 黄剑波 20260690278 孙宁龙 20260690384 张晶
20260691180 黄健雄 20260690286 孙蕊蕊 20260690343 张俊鑫
20260691187 黄康 20260690273 孙伟 20260690349 张凯
20260691203 黄靓怡 19260690283 孙文超 20260690411 张锴
20260691194 黄梦嘉 20260690283 孙燕 20260690354 张坤
18260690174 黄帅 18260690442 汤力盛 19260690343 张乐
19260691267 黄顺佳 20260690664 汤钰婕 20260690400 张立
20260691192 黄朔 20260690237 唐浩然 20260690339 张亮
20260691190 黄文旋 20260690236 唐梦然 19260690391 张淼
20260691191 黄旭威 20260690227 唐奇 20260690398 张琪
20260691202 黄雅薇 20260690235 唐松 20260690413 张青
20260691183 黄勇 20260690233 唐文晟 19260690361 张小亮
20260691200 黄铮辉 20260690238 唐贤玉 20260690363 张小璇
20260691189 黄志 20260690230 唐小风 20260690389 张欣
20260690841 纪硕星 19260690239 唐晓霞 20260690345 张修坤
20260690296 季佳怀 20260690234 唐晓渊 20260690396 张燕燕
20260690300 季潇通 20260690228 唐子雯 20260690392 张洋
20260690297 季勇 19260691182 陶桃 20260690395 张烨
20260690940 贾文浩 20260691111 陶文琦 20260690337 张一凡
20260690941 贾逸轩 20260690805 田新新 20260690390 张毅
20260690663 江陈良 20260690834 童安迪 20260690412 张雨婷
20260690661 江思源 20260690837 童驰 20260690385 张月斌
20260690662 江轶 20260690835 童艳丽 20260690378 张政
20260690256 姜俊宇 20260690013 万雅馨 20260690371 张忠梅
20260690263 姜辛 20260690665 汪丹阳 20260690943 赵剑峰
20260690264 姜雪 20260690672 汪海运 20260690948 赵灵
20260690259 姜月鹏 20260690669 汪坤荣 20260690950 赵玮珺
20260690891 蒋立人 20260690670 汪奇 20260690946 赵文菁
19260690948 蒋晓艺 20260690668 汪先东 20260690944 赵宇洁
20260691010 金斌 20260690785 王蓓 19260691011 赵志峰
20260691437 金承俊 20260690764 王波 20260690983 郑家辉
20260691017 金环 20260690744 王成晟 20260690989 郑黎
20260691011 金晶 20260690714 王丛 18260690730 郑玮
20260691013 金楷淳 19260690754 王典 20260691020 钟历根
20260691019 金璐 19260690796 王泓渊 19260691079 钟淼
19260691074 金文标 20260690788 王虹辰 20260691022 钟艳琳
20260691438 金溪 20260690726 王华 20260691023 钟震威
20260691018 金璇 20260690760 王欢 20260691021 钟志斌
20260691016 金燕 20260690743 王慧智 20260690038 仲诤
20260691009 金子楠 20260690720 王佳妮 19260690215 周宝荣
20260690884 荆宏业 20260690721 王佳育 20260690222 周诚骄
20260691116 靖涛 20260690735 王家栋 20260690219 周皓倩
19260690318 居丽婷 20260690739 王建 20260690208 周惠芳
20260690267 孔鸽 20260690795 王锦 20260690202 周吉旻
19260690269 孔晓丽 20260690791 王进贵 20260690199 周佳玮
20260690942 赖若朗 19260690789 王晶东 20260690203 周嘉海
19260691045 郎瑞 20260690730 王婧 20260690218 周珺
17210690558 劳兴亮 20260690800 王骏杰 19260690210 周凯
20260691113 雷彬 20260690724 王凯峰 20260691428 周天
20260690570 李爱洋 20260690786 王蓝蓝 20260690201 周卫江
19260690556 李博 20260690774 王磊 20260690210 周晓芳
20260690556 李晨浩 20260690765 王灵一 20260690209 周旋
20260690554 李春丽 20260690771 王璐茜 20260690217 周烨
20260690542 李淡淡 20260690778 王美丹 20260690214 周永军
20260690536 李凡 19260690833 王鸣君 20260690216 周源
20260690585 李飞 20260690717 王乃馨 20260690213 周桢
20260690565 李根 20260690783 王芹芹 20260690206 周志强
20260690532 李佳羽 20260690763 王沁 20260690522 朱迪
20260690578 李菁懿 20260690784 王蓉 20260690499 朱凤
20260690558 李晶 20260690780 王胜 20260690498 朱光磊
20260690533 李俊 20260690747 王施瑶 20260690496 朱佳鹂
20260690573 李磊 20260690728 王天培 19260690541 朱静
20260690529 李丽 20260690776 王维嘉 19260690521 朱恺燕
19260690569 李嶺 20260690718 王伟 20260690515 朱科博
20260690579 李萌萌 20260690787 王蔚青 20260690509 朱梅英
20260690539 李南 20260690745 王文平 20260690497 朱倩倩
20260690562 李朋 20260690767 王熙博 20260690506 朱晓力
20260690572 李瑞 20260690756 王曦 20260690510 朱欣欣
20260690574 李纾姝 19260690762 王夏艳 19260690520 朱延俊
20260690545 李希希 19260690771 王小雯 20260690518 朱羿
20260690550 李想 20260690736 王小毓 20260690823 祝晶晶
20260690567 李欣 19260690785 王晓奥 20260690822 祝昕辰
20260690580 李言妍 19260690781 王昕刚 20260690331 庄涛
20260690576 李艳超 20260690746 王新亚 20260690143 卓识
20260690560 李曜 20260690796 王雅媛 19260691043 邹濛雨
20260691398 李易儒 20260690782 王艳 20260690980 邹庆


In 2006, Fudan University, National University of Singapore, and Korea University established S3 University Alliance. In the framework of cooperation, the School of Management of Fudan University, NUS Business School, and Korea University Business School initiated S3 dual degrees of Master of Business and Administration (MBA) Program in Asia with joint efforts in 2008 with the aim of cultivating students with a global vision who understand and grasp the profound changes of Asian economy to build “global and Asian economic leaders” of a new generation. The program integrates the resources of three top universities in Asia, such as faculties, courses, campuses, career and alumni service, etc. Students are enrolled by the three universities separately and will live and study for half a year in Shanghai, Seoul, and Singapore. The duration of the program is two years. The program is full-time with all courses delivered in English. By completing relevant credits and successfully defending the thesis, students will be conferred MBA diploma and degree from Fudan University, an MBA degree from another partner university, and a learning certificate of the S3 Asia MBA program.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名
20210690390 董旻在 20210690396 李廷仁


The Fudan International MBA (IMBA) Program was launched in 1996 through collaboration between School of Management of Fudan University and MIT Sloan the School of Management. The Program focuses on the development of insight and analytical skills, as well as leadership and decision-making towards complex managerial problems in the global context. It is committed to cultivating international elites of management with a global economic perspective and a deep understanding of Chinese reality. With the participation of international faculties, the Fudan IMBA adopts advanced education methods and emphasizes learning through action. In the Financial Times (FT) Global MBA Ranking 2022, the Program ranked 32 among the global Top 40 programs. The duration of the program is two years. The program is full-time with all courses delivered in English. By completing relevant credits and successfully defending the thesis, students will be conferred MBA diploma and degree from Fudan University and a learning certificate from MIT Sloan School of Management.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
21210690231 艾雪 21210690258 刘静雅 21210690290 许骥
20210690289 贝鸣涧 21210690259 刘石 21210690291 许佩茹
20210690291 邴雪 21210690002 刘腾 21210690292 杨博文
21210690232 蔡安然 21210690260 刘湘川子 21210690293 杨叶舟
19210690265 蔡聚理 21210690261 刘育畅 21210690294 杨毅
20210690286 蔡雅雯 21210690263 陆亦洲 21210690295 尹梦宁
21210690234 曹雅婷 21210690264 罗盼 21210690296 应洲烨
21210690235 陈皞瑜 21210690265 罗伟滔 20210690210 于丹
21210690236 陈默 21210690266 马斯悦 20210690215 余晓靓
21210690237 陈思 21210690267 马文聪 21210690299 曾程昊
21210690238 陈翊 20210690263 梅丹阳 21210690300 曾婧
20210690306 褚卓翰 21210690270 齐天帆 21210690301 翟梓岚
20210690235 崔文超 21210690271 全亨兰 21210690302 张倩晔
21210690239 戴敏捷 21210690273 施祥康 20210690245 张醒洋
21210690240 董雅玲 21210690274 史欣彤 21210690305 张钰
21210690241 葛剑东 21210690275 水裕田 21210690310 郑浩楠
20210690295 郭莉 21210690276 司马科勰 21210690311 支秉轩
21210690242 郭文婷 20210690233 宋丹 20210690308 钟婉婷
21210690243 韩畅 21210690277 宋子昂 21210690312 周斯腾
21210690244 郝凯雯 21210690278 孙璨 20210690227 周旸
21210690246 侯雨坤 21210690279 唐景润 21210690313 周雨珩
20210690391 黄晨 21210690281 王逢悦 21210690005 周则含
21210690248 黄与舟 21210690406 王秋雪 21210690314 朱瑞轾
19210690239 蒋剑阳 21210690282 王旭彤 21210690315 朱薇
20210690239 康慨卿 21210690284 温宇辉 21210690316 朱泽蓝
21210690249 李海燕 21210690003 吴费贤 20210690256 朱志军
21210690250 李双彤 21210690285 吴靖娴 21210690317 庄雨锜
21210690252 李悦 18210690221 吴烨雯 21210690318 宗枫
21210690253 连冠 21210690286 熊夕文 20210690387 KENTA MOTOKI
21210690254 廉世宇 21210690288 徐澍慜 21210690403 ROBIN LOESCHEL
21210690256 刘飞宇 20210690248 徐悦 21210690404 SANGCHUL LEE
21210690257 刘骥鹏 21210690289 徐哲


Fudan University is one of the first universities authorized by the State Council to launch the EMBA degree program. In the 20 years since its launch, Fudan University EMBA Program has cultivated a huge number of entrepreneurs and business executives for all walks of life, which has effectively promoted the progress of Chinese commercial civilization. Our mission is to develop leaders with great vision. The program, by integrating business practice with humanistic cultivation, provides world-class business education as well as an exceptional networking platform for business leaders. Our curriculum is based on Chinese business management practices. Diversified forms are applied in the teaching process, such as case study, group discussion, and enterprise investigation, to integrate theory with practice, and explore ways to success in China’s business society. Chinese entrepreneurs should not only drive economic progress, but also contribute to the progress of human civilization and technology. This is the highest goal that Fudan University EMBA Program pursues in cultivating entrepreneurs. The program ranks 13th in the 2021 Financial Times (FT) Global EMBA Rankings. It ranks first in Research Rank, Work Experience, and International Faculty and International Students among Chinese-taught EMBA programs. 

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
19260690666 柏敏 21260690927 林中钊 21260691092 吴川常
21260690771 鲍光荣 20260690119 刘江华 19260690176 吴丹
21260690774 蔡健 20260690121 刘洁 21260691093 吴非
20260690898 蔡经云 20260690135 刘锦秀 20260690194 吴黎莉
20260690482 曹凌云 19260690127 刘立双 21260691096 吴霖晶
20260690489 曹逸 18260690937 刘灵玲 20260690180 吴敏
20260691366 曹雨妹 19260690094 刘伟 21260691101 吴天晴
21260690780 柴丽娜 21260690938 刘伟 20260690177 吴小花
21260690782 常志成 21260690941 刘旭昱 21260691091 吴长明
20260690960 车向哲 20260690118 刘永生 21260691104 夏承悦
19260691164 陈贵艺 20260690087 刘云海 20260690244 夏吉吉
21260690790 陈画画 21260690946 刘子祎 21260691107 夏香香
21260690791 陈乐乐 20260690638 柳月 21260691110 肖维梅
20260691100 陈蕾 21260690947 卢伟 20260690930 谢娇丽
21260690793 陈林 21260690948 卢玉华 20260690929 谢丽华
18260690805 陈鸣 20260691173 鲁莹 20260690711 熊高权
21260690796 陈南博 19260691098 陆佳俊 21260691115 徐鹤桐
20260691047 陈丝雨 20260691045 陆雯雯 19260690443 徐克强
20260691069 陈思 21260690950 陆晓权 20260690434 徐慜婧
21260690800 陈韬 19260691106 陆洋 21260691117 徐婷
20260691054 陈婷 21260690953 陆贞洁 19260690438 徐伟亮
20260691384 陈一鸿 21260690956 罗红军 21260691120 徐晔彦
19260691177 陈颖 19260690883 罗艳 21260691121 徐怡静
20260691050 陈云东 19260690171 吕洪川 19260690463 徐英豪
18260690818 陈正星 21260690959 吕箭 20260690926 许辉
20260691052 陈卓 19260690173 吕琳 18260691366 许家瑜
20260690829 程飞 20260690167 吕幸艳 20260690925 许男
21260690807 程浩 21260690961 吕正军 19260691093 闫瑞
21260690004 程诗慧 21260690962 马丰 20260690020 严爱华
21260690809 程勇明 20260691146 马汉雷 21260691132 阎莎
20260690911 褚俊华 20260691140 马宏 21260691133 杨帆
18260690824 邓敏 21260690964 马宁 20260691379 杨建权
20260690007 丁慧 21260690966 马彦琴 20260690601 杨恺
20260690001 丁丽琼 20260691150 马银素 20260690606 杨林
19260690937 董延伟 21260690967 梅文蓉 21260691140 杨林泉
21260690831 杜程鹏 19260690956 蒙梦 21260691143 杨少蝉
19260690616 杜海燕 20260690288 孟婧 21260691144 杨树平
21260690832 杜进琰 21260690969 闵洁 20260690599 杨思琪
18260690836 杜正钦 21260690970 慕博赟 20260690618 杨远弼
21260690835 段海波 20260690066 倪寅森 19260690259 姚菁菁
20260690652 段青 21260690973 欧宇亮 18260691102 姚泉
21260690838 范晓磊 21260690974 潘力 20260690654 殷旭敏
21260690839 范奕 20260690704 潘燕飞 20260690028 于凤涛
20260690882 范玉洁 21260690976 彭兵 19260690027 于玉水
20260690469 方慧丽 20260690423 彭火根 19260690057 余海军
18260690840 方巧燕 21260690984 乔敏敏 20260690051 余捷
19260690490 方晓鸣 21260690986 秦雯 21260691157 余丽娟
21260690841 封静 20260690972 邱继伟 19260690061 余青革
21260690843 傅佳 19260690847 瞿巍 21260691159 俞丽莉
21260690845 高秉军 21260690998 沈乘黄 21260691160 俞田颖
19260691234 高德伟 20260690675 沈丹 19260690967 虞康
18260690843 高飞 20260690677 沈剑 20260690241 喻光夫
21260690846 高虹 21260691001 沈猛 21260691162 喻胜伟
20260691153 高强 18260690998 沈思 18260691119 袁飞
21260690849 戈淮军 21260691003 沈侠义 20260690908 袁磊
19260691285 龚钦湧 19260690707 沈勇 20260690493 曾喜海
20260690326 巩师防 21260691007 慎蕾 20260690491 曾勇
20260691133 顾晓梦 21260691008 施蔡敏 19260690722 湛研
21260690855 管晓波 20260691372 施卓一 21260691167 张爱萍
19260691065 郭曼 21260691010 石从富 21260691169 张安红
20260690997 郭弢 21260691011 石露 21260691171 张弛弢
19260691067 郭翔宇 20260690480 是彦 19260690423 张高权
21260690859 郭彦荣 21260691016 宋景 21260691172 张冠希
18260690858 郭毅雯 21260691017 宋军 21260691173 张广伟
21260690862 韩仙丹 18260691010 宋扬 18260691125 张海纳
21260690863 韩亚芳 20260690307 宋运华 20260690341 张佳栋
20260691123 韩艳红 21260691021 苏广峰 20260690386 张杰
20260690045 何强 21260691022 苏俊飞 20260690342 张俊堂
19260691000 贺本稳 19260691459 苏诗闵 19260690405 张良
19260690063 侯佳 20260690280 孙慧 20260690403 张良
20260690061 侯湘虹 21260691028 孙敏 20260690401 张罗
20260690057 侯亚军 20260690279 孙庆志 20260690388 张梅
21260690872 胡新荣 20260690271 孙仁旭 19260690366 张强
19260690915 胡跃明 19260690287 孙晓东 21260691183 张榕
20260691198 黄达 21260691030 孙妍 20260690358 张婷
20260691186 黄广东 18260691021 孙洲珏 20260690362 张小平
16220690320 黄河 20260690934 谭杨 21260691188 张怡妮
21260690875 黄金惠 21260691033 唐金 21260691189 张翼
21260690876 黄铁琦 18260691026 陶弘毅 21260691191 张营一
20260691197 黄西华 20260690700 滕薇薇 19260690368 张志祚
19260691255 黄小叶 18260691029 田昕宇 20260690833 章毅
21260690879 黄卓坚 21260691039 涂黎 21260691192 赵海英
21260690881 季琼 20260690315 屠烨 21260691195 赵蕾
20260690261 姜炳权 20260690014 万馨泽 21260691197 赵伟
19260690260 姜传舜 21260691044 汪美霞 20260690954 赵英杰
20260690262 姜跟超 21260691045 汪婷玲 21260691203 赵宇宁
21260690888 焦国栋 19260690700 汪媛媛 20260690804 甄红转
19260690484 揭由坤 21260691046 王成瑜 21260691206 郑明炜
20260690334 康宝国 19260690764 王大祥 19260691050 郑睿
20260690635 柯学健 21260691048 王丹 21260691207 郑挺
20260690072 兰澎 21260691050 王飞飞 21260691210 钟佳
20260690071 兰晹 21260691052 王光祥 21260691212 钟雄鑫
20260691369 雷军 18260691041 王国华 21260691214 周斌
18260690907 黎莉 19260690756 王华 21260691215 周东
20260690575 李聪 21260691054 王辉 18260691159 周红梅
20260690527 李东波 21260691055 王吉明 20260690211 周晖
21260690895 李冬明 19260690751 王佳 20260690198 周佳敏
20260690543 李宏宇 21260691056 王建峰 20260690220 周萍
21260690897 李慧波 19260690752 王健 21260691221 周全峰
20260690551 李慧玲 20260690769 王珏 20260690200 周倚天
17210690205 李即佳 20260690716 王丽 19260690205 周予凡
20260690547 李建锋 19260690779 王旎 21260691226 周震
18260690910 李娇骄 21260691062 王盼 21260691227 周峥峰
20260690563 李杰 21260691063 王佩玲 21260691228 周志奋
20260690557 李晶 21260691064 王倩 21260691229 周中全
21260690902 李俊 21260691065 王强 20260690204 周宗旭
20260690534 李俊杰 21260691067 王世强 21260691232 朱景皓
21260690904 李鹏 18260691054 王巍立 20260690524 朱青
21260690908 李少鹏 20260690777 王维国 20260690500 朱少华
21260690909 李斯勇 20260690750 王晓成 20260690507 朱晓明
21260690910 李四平 21260691073 王新岐 20260690513 朱玉成
20260690564 李松柏 21260691074 王行远 20260691382 朱正响
20260690553 李旭强 20260691374 王一多 20260690821 祝昌德
21260690915 李逸威 21260691078 王英华 21260691240 庄元
21260690916 李永孝 20260690799 王颖 20260690324 左勇
20260690561 李月英 20260690761 王正明 18260691384 JAMMY KWOK CHAN WONG
21260690920 李志峰 21260691083 韦剑羽 20260691435 YUAN LI
18260690922 梁华栋 20260691166 魏德朝 20260691436 ZHANG LUYING
18260690923 梁磊 19260691241 魏涛
21260690925 林升 21260691090 吴昌恒


Fudan University - Taiwan University EMBA Program was established in 2010. It is the first dual-degree Chinese EMBA program jointly operated by universities from Chinese mainland and Taiwan Region. For more than 10 years, this program has cultivated over 600 industry leaders, which has promoted the cultural, educational, and business exchanges across the straits. It is known as "The NO.1 Business Administration Program Across the Straits". The program brings together the best faculties from both universities, integrates the practices of the two places’ economic development and leads the Chinese EMBA education trend. The program recruits aspiring leaders from both Chinese mainland and Taiwan Region who can enjoy the best teaching resources from both universities. Fudan University - Taiwan University EMBA Program aims at developing business leaders with strategic thinking in the context of new regional and global economic structure for the Greater China Area.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
18260690797 陈红霞 18260690928 林峰 19260690187 吴昊
18260691332 陳水哖 18260691351 刘耀焜 18260691361 蕭酩献
18260691333 陳彥樺 19260690116 刘忠群 18260691367 顏志杰
19260690886 耿志伟 19260691081 钮飞虎 19260690159 叶传旻
21260690866 何海周 19260691452 潘慧珍 19260690667 查晓强
19260690912 胡盛峰 18260691002 施泰磊 19260690409 张莹
18260691340 黃國益 19260690921 苏丽飞 19260691019 赵赛宇
18260691341 黃昭淵 19260691453 王婉玲 18260691381 PENGHSIEN-EN SEAN
19260691480 黃仲信 18260691358 魏弘彥
19260690337 廖德兵 20260690169 吴丹


In 2004, Fudan University became one of the first colleges approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to develop MPAcc education. Since then, in accordance with the rigorous and prominent educational philosophy, MPAcc of Fudan University had cultivated hundreds of professionals systematically acquiring knowledge in the field of finance and accounting, and connecting with their working practice very well.
Nowadays, with increasingly rapid development of MPAcc education, the program of Fudan will make great efforts to innovate, come up to the global level, and furtherly create an open, polyphyletic, multi-communicate and co-progressive cultivating environment, aiming to develop professionals with an international perspective, strategic thinking and leadership ability, well-adjusted to the demands of economic globalization in China and the rest of the world.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
20260691276 曹柠 20260691218 凌舒文 19260691303 吴明娟
20260691355 陈蓓蓓 20260691221 刘斌 20260691229 吴晓丽
20260691349 陈冰如 20260691224 刘荣 20260691230 吴晓琳
20260691351 陈慧 20260691223 刘肖虎 20260691228 吴旭勤
20260691353 陈洁 20260691222 刘星辰 20260691240 奚洁
20260691350 陈励 20260691226 刘阳 19260691312 夏秉雯
20260691354 陈舜毅 20260691220 刘一涵 20260691238 夏冬
20260691352 陈文丽 20260691225 刘蕴之 20260691239 夏天
20260691356 陈颖靓 20260691348 陆佳 20260691317 肖惠琼
20260691256 崔家宁 20260691315 罗新 20260691330 谢丽
20260691255 崔乾坤 20260691361 马婷 20260691337 辛琨
18260691192 代东升 20260691362 马新星 20260691303 熊羽卉
18260691194 邓雯心 20260691320 茅晟杰 20260691268 徐菁
20260691207 丁冬晨 20260691314 缪钦泰 20260691264 徐天宏
18260691195 丁香 20260691215 倪蓓蓓 20260691269 徐雨婷
20260691288 杜俊 20260691248 宁艳功 20260691266 徐振芬
20260691219 凡莉 19260691378 潘琦 20260691267 徐正浩
19260691338 方金娜 20260691347 钱明 20260691265 徐子健
20260691272 方伟刚 20260691313 秦沙勇 20260691326 许恒
20260691271 房萍 20260691338 邱丽娟 20260691328 许民
20260691216 冯曙鸿 20260691339 邱喆远 20260691327 许文臻
20260691217 冯雅 20260691311 瞿苏伟 20260691329 许颖苗
18260691203 盖永艳 20260691211 任嘉 20260691323 薛思慧
20260691359 顾繁易 20260691340 邵志龙 20260691208 严利东
20260691360 顾翔宇 18260691269 申屠翊楠 20260691293 杨阁
19260691429 顾悦 20260691300 沈洁 20260691289 杨卫明
20260691358 韩晶晶 18260691272 沈一飞 20260691291 杨煜
20260691342 郝杰 20260691301 沈芸铮 20260691241 姚晨
20260691343 郝照堃 20260691274 施涵文 20260691242 姚磊
20260691333 贺瑜颖 20260691273 施彦 20260691275 易梦雅
19260691375 洪宇桁 20260691312 石杰 20260691253 尹航
20260691318 胡明明 20260691227 史雪微 20260691212 余海涛
20260691364 黄凯 20260691252 寿晓萌 20260691213 俞又文
20260691365 黄颖 20260691249 宋宝琳 20260691324 袁学思
20260691247 季洪 20260691251 宋诚丹 20260691325 袁艺蕾
19260691414 贾丰源 20260691250 宋洋洋 20260691257 张古月
20260691243 姜杉 20260691319 苏秀丽 20260691258 张君芯
20260691244 姜珊 20260691245 孙婷 19260691329 张明霞
19260691407 蒋国萌 17210691276 孙雪柯 20260691260 张天驰
20260691322 蒋览 20260691296 汤雪彤 19260691332 张熙晟
20260691321 蒋心妍 20260691237 唐婕 20260691259 张喆宏
19260691379 焦阳 20260691297 汪明明 20260691263 张芷源
20260691345 金嘉玺 20260691298 汪晓云 20260691335 赵璐
20260691254 居锦华 20260691299 汪野 20260691336 赵越
20260691295 柯柯悦尔 20260691305 王凯伦 20260691341 郑锋
20260691334 赖玲瑶 18260691285 王谦 20260691232 周恺舟
20260691287 李超 20260691304 王倩婧 20260691233 周爽
20260691286 李聪捷 20260691308 王荣 20260691235 周雯
20260691285 李洪光 20260691310 王雯雯 20260691231 周怡
19260691349 李南茜 20260691307 王艺静 20260691234 周瑜
20260691283 李尚伟 19260691392 王逸初 20260691236 周韵
20260691284 李悦 20260691306 王月月 20260691280 朱纯铭
19260691298 厉欣辰 19260691433 魏静宜 20260691281 朱翔
19260691363 林海鸥 20260691316 翁文静 20260691277 朱彦霖
20260691294 林立 18260691291 吴峰 20260691279 朱益村


Collaborated with City University of Hong Kong, FudanU-CityU Doctor of Business Administration program is designed for senior executives who are eager to engage in rigorous business research with practical and societal impacts. It aims to develop senior executives who can discover and advance knowledge and practice in their fields through rigorous applied research emphasizing both academic rigor and business relevance, at the same time, equip students with applied research approaches to expand and deepen their understanding of complex business issues that have implications well beyond the boundaries of their organizations. DBA is a challenging but enjoyable journey.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
55007121 顾霖 55007380 楼剑锋 55496907 施诺
55496004 顾献智 56050759 吕志红 54641668 徐青青
56057656 李瑞清 55521773 莫迟 55007679 袁初成
55496329 林锋 55496772 倪飞 56050827 曾文礼


The Washington University-Fudan University Executive MBA program is widely regarded as one of the most respected Executive MBA programs in China. Established in 2002, the program is China's first joint venture in management education, preparing senior executives in China, and other parts of Asia, for global leadership.
In 2019, Washington University-Fudan University MBA Program is ranked No. 7 in the Financial Times (FT) Global EMBA Ranking 2019, retaining its Top 10 position in the world for eight years in a row. Its faculty research ranks Top 1 in mainland China.

华大学号 姓名 华大学号 姓名 华大学号 姓名


The BI-Fudan MBA program is one of the first Sino-foreign joint programs approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and has been working in partnership by BI Norwegian Business School and School of Management, Fudan University since 1996.Chasing the belief that “Education works for the Society”, the program is committed to cultivating professional managers with strategic perspective, comprehensive operational management skill,  global vision and innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in the digital era. The program integrates the advanced managerial concepts from both China and Europe, emphasizes on management decision in the changing environment, and commits to creating an ascending platform for international professional managers. The curriculum focuses on: digital management, strategic thinking and sustainable leadership. 
In 2021, the program placed global No.3 part-time MBA program in EMBA Ranking, No.3 in Salary Increase and No.2 in International Course Experience by Financial Times.
Over the past 26 years, nearly 3000 graduates of the Program have successfully taken the role as professional managers in both domestic and foreign enterprises with their global vision and deep understanding of Chinese culture.
"Join & Share", the Program alumni union, works well for the alumni to network with each other and share insights. The specially designed U-Transformation career development plan creates lifelong learning chances for the students and alumni.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
1058591 包明虎 1066342 刘宏啸 1066357 王玉龍
1066314 曹丽 1058609 刘晋 1066457 文嘉琪
1058675 陈瀚涛 1058693 刘京 1066458 项昺昱
1058700 陈娟 1066453 刘梦佳 1066360 徐琼珠
1058616 陈倚文 1066343 刘天鹤 1066459 徐颖珏
1066449 陈莹 1058701 刘薇 1066359 徐羽立
1066317 陈莹娴 1058704 刘媛 1066460 闫瑞欣
1066315 陈永江 1058622 刘泽枫 1066461 杨海洋
1058696 陈湛 1058668 柳帅 1058613 杨及远
1058694 程峰 1066349 卢洪涛 1066361 杨建青
1066318 丁嫣红 1058665 陆思源 1066362 杨丽佳
1058699 董文娟 1066350 陆莹莹 1058625 杨文迅
1066319 房禹汐 1066348 路广萍 1058669 杨友闻
1066322 冯小花 1058679 吕昔琴 1058703 姚珏莹
1066332 高静 1058610 马林 1058588 姚亭
1066333 高笑珅 1058612 马敏 1058590 袁铮
1058674 龚维莉 1058702 梅梅 1066462 查业
1058595 顾仕奇 1058614 阮宏弢 1058683 张劲
1066450 顾贇 1058681 沈鸿鸿 1066364 张坤
1066334 管玉兰 1066352 沈楠 1058619 张来
1066335 胡晓珺 1066353 时玉倩 1058671 张梅茜
1058706 花晓蕾 1058697 宋艾丽 1058667 张艳
1066336 华瑞蓉 1066354 孙国琴 1066363 张一凡
1066451 黄佳璇 1066464 孙振华 1066463 章程
1066338 黄丽媛 1058670 孙忠凯 1058698 章杰
1066337 黄青普 1058705 汤纪芹 1066365 赵洁
1066340 吉佩娟 1058615 汪奕豪 1058692 赵瑞琴
1066339 季贝贝 1066454 王东 1058684 郑美琦
1058594 江安霞 1066358 王梵 1066366 周忻蓉
1058617 金舒怀 1058672 王焕坤 1058607 朱旭平
1058695 金颖洁 1066465 王楠 1058593 朱晔芹
1058673 李永婷 1066355 王炜 1066367 朱莹莹
1058682 李宇 1066455 王文强 1058666 朱圆慧
1066452 刘伯仁 1058608 王小菊 1058685 朱震华
1066341 刘春秀 1066356 王星
1066347 刘东浩 1066456 王琰琳


The University of Hong Kong – Fudan University MBA (International) Program, is jointly offered by Faculty of Business and Economics in The University of Hong Kong and the School of Management of Fudan University in Shanghai since 1998. IMBA Program adheres to "Global View, Shanghai-Hong Kong Alliance" as our educational philosophy and is committed to nurture "Business Elites and Social Leaders". Our aim is to become a leading MBA program with global vision, management insight, frontier focus and social responsibility. The Program is intended to equip executives with strategic overview of management, and the ability to analyze the complex and inter-related demands on management from the perspectives of the various stakeholders of the business enterprise within the context both of local needs and the global economy.
IMBA is ranked 32nd in the Financial Times (FT) Global EMBA Ranking 2021, 1st among global part-time MBA programs.
Over 20 years, the Program has produced over 5,600 outstanding graduates, many of whom now hold key positions in the business and public sectors in China. With the new initiative of IMBA 2. 0, the Program will continue to build a world-class MBA program by enhancing international elements, developing new courses in frontier fields, improving business education pedagogy, providing fruitful learning experience for students, building a connective platform for students and alumni, and enriching alumni services.

学号 姓名 学号 姓名 学号 姓名
21250690264 敖云甝 21250690126 刘静 21250690192 王先东
21250690265 毕越 21250690128 刘凯 21250690193 王欣欣
21250690266 常婧昕 21250690129 刘立杰 21250690195 王欣园
21250690058 陈呈 21250690130 刘牧铮 21250690196 王星
20250690049 陈楚怡 21250690131 刘琦 21250690197 王学峰
21250690060 陈凤 21250690132 刘青 21250690198 王学宇
21250690061 陈健 21250690133 刘莎 21250690199 王焱荔
21250690062 陈锦湘 21250690134 刘斯 21250690200 王圆吉
21250690063 陈敬娴 20250690119 刘小凤 21250690201 王鋆泽
19250690332 陈莉 21250690135 刘遥 21250690204 王哲人
21250690064 陈莉莎 21250690136 楼宇航 19250690288 王子铭
21250690065 陈敏 20250690121 卢晨 21250690205 魏琳伶
21250690066 陈涛 20250690125 陆晨 21250690206 魏宇辰
21250690067 陈宇微 21250690138 陆宁 21250690207 文胜男
21250690068 陈在 21250690139 路洋 21250690208 翁金龙
21250690069 程淑芳 19250690330 罗丹 21250690209 吴晨光
21250690070 程序 21250690140 罗维 21250690210 吴凡一
21250690076 崔波 21250690142 罗伟 21250690211 吴广宇
21250690071 翟湘 21250690145 马健 21250690212 吴辉
21250690073 丁文华 20250690131 马青 21250690213 吴怡
21250690074 董娜娜 21250690143 马婷婷 21250690214 谢飞龙
21250690243 段菲 21250690144 马喆 21250690215 谢婧妍
21250690077 方洁 21250690146 毛飞绯 21250690217 谢于勤
21250690078 符翔 21250690263 毛佳怡 21250690218 谢志静
20250690067 符永亮 20250690136 孟楠 21250690219 修俊
21250690080 付松 20250690135 孟秀佳 21250690220 徐俊杰
21250690081 甘月 21250690147 缪思 21250690221 徐晓磊
21250690082 高升 21250690148 倪娜 21250690222 徐一铭
21250690083 高曦 21250690149 潘雪 21250690223 徐意
21250690084 龚秋月 21250690150 庞冠华 21250690224 许燕姗
21250690085 韩磊 21250690151 彭珮 21250690225 薛良玉
21250690086 韩蕾 20250690139 乔清华 21250690226 晏晶晶
21250690087 韩志杰 21250690153 秦姝琦 21250690227 杨洪兴
21250690089 何春江 21250690154 秦晓东 21250690228 杨慧娟
21250690090 何艳丽 21250690156 任云风 21250690229 杨硕
21250690091 贺佳 21250690157 尚世峰 21250690230 杨雯
21250690092 洪智铭 21250690158 邵叶青 21250690231 杨艳
21250690093 胡豪 21250690159 沈成达 21250690233 杨燕
21250690094 胡庆东 21250690161 沈昊 20250690215 杨叶翔
19250690279 胡莎 21250690162 沈虹蕾 21250690234 杨又丰
20250690079 胡翔 21250690163 沈莉 21250690235 杨月红
21250690096 华巍 20250690144 沈维颉 20250690216 殷明
20250690081 郇浩 21250690164 施喆 20250690217 尹晓珊
20250690082 黄丽颖 21250690165 斯薇 21250690236 尹钰
20250690084 黄明烽 21250690166 宋嘉旻 21250690237 应铭
21250690097 黄圣植 21250690167 宋洁云 21250690238 于奂
21250690098 黄欣 20250690154 宋丽丽 21250690239 余星壁
21250690099 黄艳 20250690155 宋芸 21250690240 张聪睿
21250690101 嵇敏 20250690156 苏仕达 21250690241 张侃
21250690102 贾文超 21250690168 苏艳 21250690242 张璐萍
21250690103 江予菲 21250690169 苏一刚 21250690245 张佩娟
21250690105 金晶 21250690170 苏怡静 21250690246 张琼琰
21250690106 康小莉 21250690171 孙全楼 21250690247 张伟
20250690091 李琛 21250690172 孙怡烨 21250690248 张歆
21250690107 李东媛 21250690173 汤雅馨 19250690220 张怡
21250690108 李佳亮 21250690174 唐杰平 21250690249 张宇宸
21250690109 李亮 21250690176 唐思亮 20250690236 张越
21250690110 李明 21250690177 陶晟辰 20250690239 赵婧
21250690111 李倩雯 21250690178 陶陶 21250690250 赵倩
21250690113 李维娜 21250690179 田琪毓 21250690251 赵太阳
21250690114 李文琴 21250690181 汪洋 21250690252 郑国燕
21250690115 李晓娣 21250690182 王安琪 20250690242 郑双双
19250690253 李泽研 21250690183 王春燕 21250690253 周标
21250690116 李珍 21250690184 王东磊 21250690255 周大川
21250690117 李卓然 21250690185 王菲 21250690256 周梦婕
21250690120 梁爱兴 21250690186 王皓 20250690245 周文扬
21250690121 凌海 21250690187 王鸿羽 21250690261 庄娴文
21250690123 刘步芳 21250690188 王华 21250690257 邹丹丹
21250690127 刘畅 21250690189 王靓靓 21250690258 Li Heng
21250690124 刘红 21250690190 王璐 21250690259 Liu Da Kang
21250690125 刘欢 21250690191 王武军 21250690262 Lu Rulan

