


时间: 2019年12月9日(周一)15:00-16:30



主题:China's Industrial Policy: an Empirical Evaluation

主讲人: 贾攀乐 美国康奈尔大学 副教授

主持人: 从佳佳 复旦大学管理学院产业经济学系 助理教授

摘要: Despite the historic prevalence of industrial policy and its current popularity, few empirical studies directly evaluate its welfare consequences. This paper examines an important industrial policy in China in the 2000s, aiming to propel the country’s shipbuilding industry to the largest globally. Using comprehensive data on shipyards worldwide and a dynamic model of firm entry, exit, investment, and production, we find that the scale of the policy was massive and boosted China’s domestic investment, entry, and world market share dramatically. On the other hand, it created sizable distortions and led to increased industry fragmentation and idleness. The effectiveness of different policy instruments is mixed: production and investment subsidies can be justified by market share considerations, but entry subsidies are wasteful. Finally, the distortions could have been significantly reduced by implementing counter-cyclical policies and by targeting subsidies towards more productive firms.

主讲人简介:贾攀乐,耶鲁大学经济学博士,美国康奈尔大学副教授,曾在美国麻省理工学院任教,在芝加哥大学、香港中文大学任访问教授。现为China Economic Review副主编,康奈尔中国经济研究院创始人兼联合主任,美国国家经济研究局研究员。主要研究领域为产业组织、应用计量经济学、应用微观经济学、中国经济。在American Economic Review, Econometrica, RAND Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Micro and Applied Micro 等经济学国际顶尖期刊上发表多篇文章。




时间: 2019年12月12日(周四)9:30-11:00



主讲人: 林海 上海市卫生和健康发展研究中心(上海市医学科学技术情报研究所)

主持人: 邵翔 复旦大学管理学院产业经济学系 助理教授


