
The 4th Annual Workshop on Simulation Methodologies and Applications

Simulation of Complex Systems


会议形式:Zoom 在线会议
洪  流(主席)    复旦大学
胡建强                复旦大学
胡照林                同济大学
姜广鑫                哈尔滨工业大学
罗   俊                上海交通大学


8:00 – 8:15       Opening Remarks
                          L. Jeff Hong, 
Fudan Distinguished Professor
                                                 Area Editor, Operations Research
                                                 School of Management and School of Data Science
                                                 Fudan University
8:15 – 9:15      Keynote 1: Perspectives on Simulation Optimization.
                        Shane G. Henderson, 
Professor and INFORMS Fellow
                                                             Editor-in-Chief, Stochastic Systems
                                                             School of Operations Research and Information
                                                             Engineering, Cornell University
9:20 – 10:20    Keynote 2: Safety Evaluation of Intelligent Systems via Rare-Event
                         Henry Lam, 
Associate Professor
                                             Associate Editor, Operations Research, INFORMS JOC
                                             Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations
                                             Research, Columbia University

10:30– 11:30    Panel Discussion: Simulation of Complex Systems: Opportunities and
                         Moderator: Jianqiang Hu, 
Hongyi Professor of Management Science
                                                                      School of Management
                                                                      Fudan University
                          Panelist: Shane G. Henderson, Professor and INFORMS Fellow
                                                                              Editor-in-Chief, Stochastic Systems
                                                                              School of Operations Research and
                                                                              Information Engineering
                                                                              Cornell University

                                           L. Jeff Hong, Fudan Distinguished Professor
                                                                  Area Editor, Operations Research
                                                                  School of Management and School of Data
                                                                  Science, Fudan University
                                           Henry Lam, Associate Professor
                                                                Associate Editor, Operations Research,
                                                                INFORMS JOC

                                                                Department of Industrial Engineering and
                                                                Operations Research Columbia University
                                           Loo Hay Lee, Associate Professor
                                                                  Co-Editor, Journal of Simulation
                                                                  Department of Industrial and Systems
                                                                  National University of Singapore

13:00 – 14:00   Keynote 3: Development of Digital twin for Next Generation
                                            Container Port.
                         Loo Hay Lee, 
Associate Professor
                                                Co-Editor, Journal of Simulation
                                                Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
                                                National University of Singapore
14:10–15:40     Parallel Session 1: Emerging Applications of Stochastic Simulation
                         Session Chair: Li Xia,
                                                             School of Management
                                                             Sun Yat-sen University
                         1.Joint Resource Allocation for Input Data Collection and
                           Zeyu Zheng, 
Assistant Professor
                                                 Department of Industrial Engineering and
                                                 Operations Research
                                                 University of California Berkeley.
                         2.Two Applications of Gaussian Mixture Models
                             Zhaolin Hu,
                                                  Associate Editor, Journal of Management Science and
                                                  School of Economics and Management
                                                  Tongji University
                         3.Modeling Heterogeneous Disease-Behavior-Information
                            Dynamics during Epidemics
                            Qingpeng Zhang,
Assistant Professor
                                                           School of Data Science
                                                           City University of Hong Kong
                         Parallel Session 2: Financial Engineering and Risk Management
                         Session Chair: Guangxin Jiang,
                                                                              School of Management
                                                                              Harbin Institute of Technology
                         1.Sensitivity Estimation of Conditional Value at Risk Using
                             Randomized Quasi-MC
                             Zhijian He,
Associate Professor
                                                 School of Mathematics
                                                 South China University of Technology (SCUT)
                         2.Optimal Tax-Timing with Inflation Risk and Indexed Capital Gains
                             Jing Xu,
Assistant Professor
                                            School of Finance
                                            Renmin University of China
                         3.On Gamma Estimation via Matrix Kriging
                             Xin Yun,
Joint Postdoctoral Research Associate
                                            School of Data Science
                                            Fudan University

                         Parallel Session 3: Recent Advances in Simulation Optimization
                         Session Chair: Siyang Gao,
Associate Professor
                                                                       Department of Systems Engineering and
                                                                       Engineering Management / School of
                                                                       Data Science
                                                                       City University of Hong Kong
                         1. Dynamic Repositioning in Free-Floating Bike Sharing Systems
                             Lei Zhao,
Associate Professor
                                             Director of the Operation and Services (TOpS)
                                             Research Laboratory
                                             Department of Industrial Engineering
                                             Tsinghua University
                          2. Stochastic Gradient Estimation
                              Yijie Peng,
Assistant Professor
                                                 2019 I-Sim Outstanding Simulation Publication Award
                                                 Associate Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational
                                                 Guanghua School of Management
                                                 Peking University
                          3. Survey on Ranking and Selection: A New Perspective
                              Weiwei Fan,
Associate Professor
                                                   Advanced Institute of Business
                                                   Tongji University

15:50 – 16:50    Panel Discussion 2: Youth Forum — Early Career Development
                           Moderator: Zhaolin Hu,
                                                                     Associate Editor, Journal of Management
                                                                     Science and Engineering
                                                                     School of Economics and Management
                                                                     Tongji University
                           Panelist: Siyang Gao, Associate Professor
                                                                2019 IEEE-CASE Best Conference Paper Award
                                                                School of Data Science
                                                                City University of Hong Kong
                                            Hai Jiang, Associate Professor (with tenure)
                                                              Area Editor, Computer & Industrial Engineering
                                                              Department of Industrial Engineering
                                                              Tsinghua University
                                             Yijie Peng, Assistant Professor
                                                                2019 I-Sim Outstanding Simulation Publication
                                                                Associate Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal of
                                                                Operational Research
                                                                Guanghua School of Management
                                                                Peking University
                                             Xiaowei Zhang, Assistant Professor
                                                                         Associate Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal of
                                                                         Operational Research
                                                                         Faculty of Business and Economics
                                                                         University of Hong Kong
                                             Lu Zhen, Professor and Dean
                                                            Fellow of the Operational Research Society (U.K.)
                                                            School of Management
                                                            Shanghai University

16:50 – 17:00    Closing Remarks
                           L. Jeff Hong,
Fudan Distinguished Professor
                                                  Area Editor, Operations Research
                                                  School of Management and School of Data Science
                                                  Fudan University


Keynote 1:Perspectives on Simulation Optimization 
摘要:康奈尔大学Shane Henderson教授的报告分为三部分。首先,他将结合共享单车和救护车服务的案例介绍问题驱动的研究方法。其次,他将介绍如何使用有偏的梯度估计量解决仿真优化问题。最后,他将介绍SimOpt仿真优化测试库近期的重大变化。
Shane G. Henderson, Cornell University
Shane G. Henderson is professor and former Director of the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University. He has previously held positions in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan and the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Auckland. He is the editor in chief of Stochastic Systems. He has served as chair of the INFORMS Applied Probability Society, and as simulation area editor for Operations Research. He is an INFORMS Fellow. His research interests include discrete-event simulation, simulation optimization, and emergency services planning. He likes cats, climbing walls, biking, Harry Potter and being a Dad.

Keynote 2:Safety Evaluation of Intelligent Systems via Rare-Event Simulation
无人驾驶汽车和其它智能系统大规模部署之前的测试问题一直非常具有挑战。在本报告中,哥伦比亚大学Henry Lam教授将介绍如何使用小概率事件仿真工具解决这一类问题,并探讨所面临的挑战性问题。
Henry Lam, Columbia University
Henry Lam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research in Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. in statistics from Harvard University in 2011, and was on the faculty of Boston University and the University of Michigan before joining Columbia in 2017. Henry's research interests include Monte Carlo simulation, uncertainty quantification, risk and extremal analysis, and data-driven optimization. His work has been recognized by venues such as the JP Morgan Chase Faculty Research Award (2020), NSF CAREER Award (2017), the INFORMS JFIG Competition Second Prize (2016) and the Adobe Faculty Research Award (2016). He serves on the editorial boards of Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and Stochastic Models.

Keynote 3:Development of Digital twin for Next Generation Container Port
新加坡港一直是世界著名的货柜码头。在本报告中,新加坡国立大学Loo Hay Lee将介绍新加坡下一代港口建设中的一些举措,并将着重介绍他所领导的团队在港口数字孪生系统开发领域所完成的开创性工作。

Loo Hay Lee, National University of Singapore

Loo Hay LEE is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at National University of Singapore and was a visiting professor at the Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research at George Mason University. Dr Lee has also been appointed as the Eastern Scholar Professor for the Shanghai Maritime University by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. He received his B.S (Electrical Engineering) degree from the National Taiwan University in 1992 and his S.M and PhD degrees in 1994 and 1997 from Harvard University. He has served as the associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, TRB, IISE Transactions, among others. He is currently the co-editor for Journal of Simulation and is a member in the advisory board for OR Spectrum. He is a senior member of IEEE. His research focuses on the simulation-based optimization, maritime logistics which includes port operations and the modeling and analysis for the logistics and supply chain system. He has co-lead a team to win the grand prize for the next generation container port challenge in 2013 by proposing a revolutionary double storey container terminal design, called SINGA Port. He is currently the director of the Center for Maritime Studies and center of next generation logistics (C4NGL) and co-director for center of excellence for simulation and modelling for next generation port (C4NGP) in NUS. In 2018, he also received the supply chain educator award. 





