

时   间2022年10月11日(周二)13:30-15:30

线   下:李达三楼105室

线   上:腾讯会议号:43460774770   密码:123456

主持人:信息管理与商业智能系 窦一凡教授

题   目:Versioning Player-versus-Player Online Games: A Tournament Design Perspective

摘   要:It is common in video games that a large number of players purchase superior virtual gear to increase their chances of winning a battle. However, the design of PvP games, particularly the design of the competitive balance among players, remains largely unexplored. We consider an optimal product line design problem that allows the developer to design the competitive balance. Results indicate that tournament design enables the developer to alleviate the well-known cannibalization effect caused by the release of free versions through multi-dimensional versioning, which renders the freemium strategy optimal for the game developer. Second, tournament design allows the developer to overcome players’ budget constraints. Specifically, the developer can effectively monetize the participation of players who play the game for free by handicapping them through tournament design and charging the paying players a higher price. Counterintuitively, tournament design results in a Pareto improvement in the sense that it increases the developer’s profits and benefits every player.

This is a joint work with Haowen Deng, Zenan Wu, and Cheng Zhang.


