

时    间:2022年11月22日(周二)13:30-15:00

地    点:思源教授楼624室

腾讯会议号:807 218 155   密码:221122



主    题:The Effect of Social Crowdedness on Customers' Purchase Decisions: An Empirical Investigation


孙亚程,清华大学经管学院教授,营销系系主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者,青年**学者。主要研究领域为大数据营销、平台营销和顾客关系管理。在Operations Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Harvard Business Review上发表多篇论文。任《营销科学学报》专业主编,Asia Marketing Journal 编委,清华经管营销系系主任,清华经管管理硕士学术主任。研究成果获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖和北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(均为第一完成人)。获清华大学教学成果一等奖及北京市教学成果二等奖。

摘    要:

In-store social crowdedness is an indispensable contextual component that shapes customers’ offline shopping experience, yet findings regarding the effect of social crowdedness have been primarily derived from laboratory settings, mixed, and focused on customer purchases alone. Leveraging smart traffic counters installed at 1,800 brick-and-mortar stores across the malls of a large property group in China, we accurately calibrate social crowdedness at the store-and-hour level. We also precisely track those customers, who are members with the malls (rather than a particular store/brand), across their visits to different stores in the same shopping trip. These two uniqueness in the data allow us to greatly advance the investigation into the effects of social crowdedness on consumers’ offline shopping behaviors from their in-store purchases alone, to their decisions at three distinct stages: prior to, during and after a store visit. We find that overall, in-store social crowdedness leads to more store visits and sales, and creates some substitution between consecutive shopping trips, i.e., customers are likely to extend their current trips, while postponing the next ones after experiencing a high level of crowdedness. Furthermore, while more members are drawn to stores with higher levels of crowdedness, the boosted sales are contributed mainly by members with low membership status (and to a larger extent, non-members), and the substitution effect manifests also primarily on members with the lowest membership status. Finally, there is suggestive evidence that younger, male, and members with longer tenure contribute more than their counterparts within stores as the level of crowdedness increases, however, the substitution effect is homogeneous across these member groups. These findings together shed light on the holistic effects of social crowdedness during and across customers’ shopping trips, and provide rich managerial implications for context-based marketing.



