时 间:2023年9月13日(周三) 9:30-11:00
地 点:史带楼504室
主 题: A Digital Heart in the Gig Economy: How Do Social Norms Influence Web Doctors’ Compassion Expression
主持人:徐笑君 副教授
美国华盛顿大学福斯特商学院组织管理学Philip M. Condit讲席教授
美国管理科学院院士(AOM Fellow)、美国心理科学院院士(APA Fellow)
陈晓萍教授曾任福斯特商学院副院长(2016-2020)和组织管理系主任(2009-2015)。她是全球科学研究者中名列2%的高引学者,其学术领域集中于组织行为和人力资源管理,研究课题包括跨文化管理、个体和群体决策、领导力、管理沟通、商业谈判、创业者激情、和中国人的关系等,学术论文发表于全球顶尖的管理学和心理学期刊如AMJ, AMR, JAP, OBHDP, JPSP, JESP, JIBS等。
摘 要:
Existing research has extensively examined injunctive and descriptive norms in traditional work settings, but little is known about how gig workers respond to norms shaped by algorithms. This research introduces and explores a new type of norm called the algorithmic norm, and defines it as behavioral patterns shaped explicitly or implicitly by the logic embedded in algorithm(s). Using a dataset of 2,016 doctors and 212,646 responses collected over 472 days in a digital health platform, along with four vignette-based experiments involving 1,381 doctors, we investigate how and why the algorithmic norm supersedes descriptive and injunctive norms to impact web doctors’ compassion expression. Drawing on the focus theory of normative conduct, we find that prior to the introduction of algorithms, web doctors conform to the descriptive norm to gain social approval from peers. However, after the adoption of an algorithm, their focus gradually shifts towards the algorithmic norm, driven by the motive for system approval. This study highlights the significance of theorizing and examining the influence of algorithmic norm as a key driver of worker behavior in the gig economy.