

时   间:2024年3月26日(周二)13:30-15:00

地   点:史带楼802室

题   目:Two Heads Better Than One? Uncovering the Effectiveness of Online Content Creators’ Collaboration

主讲人:张妮拉   信息管理与商业智能系  讲师


While online collaborations among content creators are growing, it remains unclear whether the collaborative efforts indeed benefit the creators. Based on data from a leading user-generated video platform, while using both fixed effect and PSM-DID models, our study examines the impact of collaboration content on creators’ subscriber growth. Our findings demonstrate a surprisingly negative impact of collaboration. Delving into the underlying mechanisms, we reveal that team diversity exerts a negative influence on the quality of collaborative videos. The key takeaway is that creators’ collaboration may unexpectedly impede the creation of an appealing content. Creators should exercise careful consideration before embarking on collaborative ventures.


