

新闻时间:2013-09-29 00:00:00

It's such a great honor to know that I'm the Distinguish Student of 2008 FDU and HKU IMBA programme. Look back to the past 2 years as a MBA student, it's full of tears and smiles. Like all other classmates, we need to play 3~4 roles in the busy daily life,but also got more from the study, enriched our knowledge, get better work chances; even lots of us became new father and new mother. Here, I just want to share some of my thoughts: why I choose MBA, what I got from the course. Hope this can help those who in the process to choose MBA courses.

My bachelar major is computer science and previous position was software development manager in finance area. After about 10 years work experience, I felt the bottleneck of my career path.Thus, how to change myself to ensure the continuity of my career was a very challenge topic to me at that time. "I need to study finance", "My strength is project management but how can I keep it and seek a better position." These are the questions around myself every day and let me felt so frustrated in the past. After talking with lots of friends, I get realized that the most meaningful of the world is from the business domain; we can only get better career chance if we can understand market, strategy and all functions of a running company. The advantage of HKU-FDU IMBA program is the big fame of both universities; top level education materials and faculty. Most importanatly, there is no opportunity cost for us to take it in part time. I found I did a very correct decision to study here. I studies almost all Financial courses. It really impressed me and I learned a lot. It also helped me to gain a better work chance in the company. We grasp our own destiny; You can win more only after you think more and do the right choice.

However, I really can't ignore the contribution of my family. Special thanks to my husband,my parents and my daughter. I didn't spend too much time at home in last 3 years and even now. Hope all the sacrifice is worthy at last.