Boost Your Startup with Fudan MBA

During his Fudan MBA study, Zhang Feijing improved his entrepreneurial idea in life sciences. With the guidance from the professors and help from the school resources, his business rapidly entered the acceleration phase. Zhang believes the most important quality for entrepreneurs is tenacity. He encouraged fellow student-entrepreneurs to remain calm and adjust quickly when faced with difficulties or even failures.

Hu Chaobin registered his business on the R&D and manufacturing of high-precision satellite antennas while applying for Fudan MBA. Fudan inspired him to find the entrepreneurial spirit and improve his management thinking. His project slao gained support from Fudan startup Fund. Hu believes the core capabilities for entrepreneurs are insight and action.

When starting his journey in Fudan MBA, Tian Bo left the company where he had worked for 10 years and began his own business of whole-house design and custom furniture services. Communication with professors and classmates, as well as Fudan's rich alumni resources, helped a lot in solving problems encountered in his business. Tian believes that entrepreneurs must have a strong sense of social responsibility and integrate it into the company's development. 

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