Fudan MBA 2022 JOIN Orientation Kicked Off

The Fudan MBA 2022 JOIN Orientation for the newly enrolled 875 Fudan MBA students officially kicked off. Professor Lu Xiongwen, Dean of Fudan University School of Management delivered his congratulations and anticipations for everyone, emphasising that with the uncertainties we are faced with right now, to study, to equip oneself with systematic knowledge and better pave the way for future careers, is definitely the most rewarding path.

Fudan University School of Management was the first business school in China to have introduced the orientation for freshmen in 2000. After 22 years of development, the Fudan MBA JOIN orientation still keeps its unique tradition of being organized by the alumni, and has become an important carrier of the Fudan MBA Program’s cultural heritage.

In the next two months, by participating the orientation combining individual learning, group sharing and team co-creation, the new students will expand their horizons, connect with their peers and start to think about their personal development plans so as to smoothly embark upon the learning journey in the Fudan MBA program.

Professor Feng Tianjun, Director of the Fudan MBA Program, looked back the development of the program during the past thirty years, provided an overview the Fudan MBA training system, especially the iLEAD (Innovation, Love, Excellence, Aspiration, Diversity) and VALUE (Vision, Academic, Leadership, University, Experience) value system. Then the alumni from the organizing committee the 2022 orientation also expressed their best wishes to the newly enrolled.   

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