FDSM ranks 76th globally and 1st in Chinese mainland in the Latest UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings

In the 2018-2022 UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, Fudan University School of Management (FDSM) ranks 76th globally, 1st in Chinese mainland, remaining among the world’s 100 best business schools for academic strength and research excellence for 8 consecutive years since 2016.

Released annually by the University of Texas at Dallas, the UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings is evaluated based on the total contributions during the past five years of a school’s faculty in 24 leading business journals, covering fields such as management science, strategic management, organizational science, international business, information system, marketing, finance, accounting, etc. The UTD rankings has become one of the most authoritative indexes for the research competence of business schools.


Over the years, FDSM has been improving the incentive mechanism for the faculty and offering increasing support for academic research. The school also hosts an annual award “Academic Star” to motivate the faculty to conduct more valuable research. Meanwhile, it’s highly encouraged at FDSM to carry out cross-border cooperation among different departments or schools, breaking down interdisciplinary barriers, so as to achieve in-depth theoretical integration and contribute to China's high quality development.


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